Recent content by dongsh2

  1. D

    Quantum Help: Microwave Spectroscopy, C. H. Townes and A. L. Schawlow

    Hi, everyone: I tried to find the PDF or djvu for this book. Unfortunately, it failed to get it. Could you please so kind send me a link if you have? Thanks.
  2. D

    A How to calculate confluent Heun functions numerically?

    Recently we are studying the physical model using the confluent Heun function, who konws how to solve it numerically by software. We use Maple but it seems not to work well. This means that the results obtained are not correct...
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    A Integral ##\int_{-1}^{1} [P_{l}^{m}]^2 ln [P_{l}^{m}]^2 dx##

    Dear Demystifier, Byproduct, I have another question. The wave function is position space is normalized. However, after Fourier transform using mathematica, why some of wave function in momentum is normalized, but some of them are not normalized. We have to renormalize them once again. I use...
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    A Integral ##\int_{-1}^{1} [P_{l}^{m}]^2 ln [P_{l}^{m}]^2 dx##

    Thanks. The problem is how to calculate it? Or there is no analytical result?
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    A Integral ##\int_{-1}^{1} [P_{l}^{m}]^2 ln [P_{l}^{m}]^2 dx##

    This function is used widely in physics. Physicist is familiar with this topic not the mathematician.
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    A Integral ##\int_{-1}^{1} [P_{l}^{m}]^2 ln [P_{l}^{m}]^2 dx##

    Hi, todos: Do you know how to calculate the definte integral for Integral for ##\int_{-1}^{1} [P_{l}^{m}]^2 \ln [P_{l}^{m}]^2 dx##, where ##P_{l}^{m} (x)## is associated Legendre functions. Thanks for your time and help.
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    A Bright, dark soliton for cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrodinger

    For a given stationary cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation, EU=-U_XX+G1|U|^2U+G2 |U|^4 U, where X=X(t,x). There are bright and dark solitons. In many references, it is found that there is typo or mistake in dark soliton by substituting their soliton solution to this above eqaution. The...
  8. D

    How to treat negative integer factorial function?

    Dear all, How to deal with negative integer factorial functions? I mean what expression formula can be substituted for this?
  9. D

    Special Integrals Hermite(2n+1,x)*Cos (bx) and e^(-x^2/2)

    Thanks. However, it is not easy as what you thought. The problem is: x \in (0,\infinity). If we take z=x-i b and we have dz=dx, but the Hermite polynomial becomes H[2n+1, z+ib] and integral interval becomes (-i b,\infinity). Using the mathematica, it still cannot find the solutions.
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    Special Integrals Hermite(2n+1,x)*Cos (bx) and e^(-x^2/2)

    Thanks. However, what I want to calculate is : Integrate[Exp[-x^2/2]Cos[ b x] HermiteH[2n+1,x],{x,0,\infinity}]. I have checked some references but I cannot find the result.
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    Special Integrals Hermite(2n+1,x)*Cos (bx) and e^(-x^2/2)

    Do some one know how to integrate the Integrate [Hermite(2n+1,x)*Cos (bx)*e^(-x^2/2), {x,0, \infinity}]?
  12. D

    Special Integrals Hermite(2n+1,x)*Cos (bx) and e^(-x^2/2)

    Do some one know how to integrate the Hermite(2n+1,x)*Cos (bx) and e^(-x^2/2), x from 0 to infinity?
  13. D

    What is the difference classical pixel and quantum pixel?

    Dear all, How to differ the classical pixel and quantum pixel? How to represent the quantum pixel in quantum mechanics language? Some useful references are welcome. Thanks.
  14. D

    How to understand the physics meanings for system x--> ix?

    In harmonic oscillator, if we take x--> ix, the energy becones E_n= -(n+1/2), the wave function is changed by replacing "ix". We can check the cases n=0,1, etc. we find they indeed satisfy the Schrödinger equation. What is the reason why also p-->ip?