Recent content by dr_nic

  1. D

    Job opportunities with a Physics Masters

    I am going on exchange in the UK in the september 2010 - feb 2011 semester. I am in 3rd year B eng (mechatronic) / B Adv Sc. (physics) I would like to find a summer internship / vacation work over in the UK or maybe in Europe but I have no idea where to look being in Aus. Can anyone suggest...
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    What factors contribute to higher salaries for top students after graduation?

    I'm finding it quite hard to figure out how graduate salaries differ with university grades or other similar university level achievements. All the surveys of graduate salaries seem to just give an average salary. For some context I'm studying 2nd yr Mechtranics/Physics combined degree in Aus...
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    Schools Best UK Universities for Physics & Engineering

    Thanks for the suggestions, I will check the guide.
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    Schools Best UK Universities for Physics & Engineering

    Best UK universities? I'm planning to go on a student exchange to a UK university next year. I'm studying physics and engineering at the moment but the focus of my exchange will be for physics. I was wondering what are the best universities to go to in the UK for 3rd year physics (and...
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    Physics Physics vacation work in Australia (or the southern hemisphere)

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could point me to physics labs or really any place to do with physics (not engineering) that take on students in the summer holidays. I am currently in my 2nd year of a B Eng / B Adv. Science degree in Australia. I've looked up places to do with engineering but...