Recent content by Drinknderive

  1. D

    Derivative of Absolute Value Confusion

    y = |x| implies y = ax and y = -ax therefore y' = a and y' = -a
  2. D

    What Should I Study for Midterm?

    Textbook is 'complex variables and applications' by Brown We are covering: CH.1 - complex numbers CH.2 - analytic functions CH.3 - elementary functions CH.4 - integrals CH.5 - series i'm looking for a pattern of topics in the replies that will indicate what I should study. Please...
  3. D

    The rate of convergence of a sequence

    It's been a while since I've done rate of convergence problems, how would i find the rate of convergence for either of these sequences? 1) limn->infsin(1/n)=0 2)limn->infsin(1/n^2)=0