Recent content by DrSammyD

  1. D

    Quantum Entanglement vs. Now Slices (Relativity)

    Can the spin of the particle be measured without knowing what the other particle's spin is?
  2. D

    Quantum Entanglement vs. Now Slices (Relativity)

    So I watched this video talking about now slices, and how it seems that across vast distances of space, movement can affect what is actually the now of places far away. This seems to be in direct conflict with what I've heard about quantum entanglement...
  3. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    One last thing, for the second set of bases, did you use (0,1,0) as your first cross product to create those, in order to create something which would work on the x axis?
  4. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    I had never used a cross product before, I thought dot products were the only meaningful thing to do with them. but yeah, other than that, i grok it.
  5. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    oh I get it, since the cross product of two vectors is orthogonal to both, you just picked one, and then used that to create the first one.
  6. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    How do you find the cross product of one vector? Just multiply it by itself? Or did you work backwards
  7. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    Thanks a tril. Unfortunately, I have no idea why this is correct. Where would I learn more to truly grok it?
  8. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    Now the top of the circle doesn't go through the bottom, but the circle still flips around. And it's not even orthogonal to the vector, It's askew. I need a way to calculate the null space consistently, since the null space is always orthogonal to the vector. How does MATLAB do it?
  9. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    That makes it even worse, and now it's not just the x axis.
  10. D

    Orthogonal Basis in 3d is flipping.

    I'm trying to create a circle in 3D based off of 4 inputs. Position1 Position2 LineLength1 LineLength2 The lines start at the positions, and they meet at their very ends. To do this I've gotten the distance between the points, found the radius of the circle, the position of the center of the...
  11. D

    Determining if a force is making a difference

    Is there a way to get the relative velocity based on the force of the friction it's applying to me?
  12. D

    Determining if a force is making a difference

    So I'm creating a game. I have a physics engine in the game. There's a use case that I've come up with that I don't know how to solve. Imagine a character is running 1. ---------0 ------------------> ------------------------------------------- then it hit's a wall 2. ---------0>| BLAM...
  13. D

    Accelerated Expansion of Space question

    So over time we have observed an increase in the redshiftedness of most stars we look at, thus confirming the acceleration. That is what I was wondering, Thank you. On a side note, why don't we know if it is accelerating at a constant rate? Couldn't we tell by the rate of change in the redshift?
  14. D

    Accelerated Expansion of Space question

    I'm not trying to argue, I want to know if the following is true. If you tell me this, I will believe you, and will agree that expansion is accelerating.
  15. D

    Accelerated Expansion of Space question

    That would be the case if the stars velocity was towards us. I wasn't suggesting that. I was suggesting that the expansion is slowing, not that a contraction is occurring right now. Perhaps. So we are observing one star 5 billion ly away, and every time we look at it, we see it moving faster...