Recent content by elhinnaw

  1. E

    Boltzmanns statistics and phase space

    Im not quite sure why 2bootspizza is trying to pick a fight with Physics Monkey because he clearly answered your question. He gave a you a completely valid physical derivation, which is exactly what you asked. Not that you understand what you are quoting, but if you are that interested in...
  2. E

    Calculating Magnetic Field of a Monopole - Dirac Condition

    Im not quite sure what your question is, but if this is the correct interpretation: "at what distance will a magnetic monopole create the same magnetic field as an electron with Bohr's magnetron magnetic momentum?" In magnetostatics if there was a magnetic monopole, the field would be...
  3. E

    Proof of Identity: $\phi(P+Q)=\int_{\partial D}\phi \nabla \phi \cdot \n \ds$

    Its actually quite easy, without any vector calculus needed. (f*gx)x= fx*gx + f*gxx if you sum these up for y and z derivatives, you will get Div[f*del(g)] = del(f) dot del(g) + f*del^2(g) integrate both sides and use divergence theorem. I apologize for having to write div for...
  4. E

    N-coupled oscillator- both series, and parallel.

    Well the k relations can be diagnosed with a free body diagram. If you have two springs in parallel, each spring only has to support a fraction of the overall weight, so each spring feels less of an effective force, displacing the springs a smaller amount. A smaller overall displacement means...
  5. E

    .Determining Reflected & Transmitted Waves

    As vague as that question is, I think the answer you are looking for is that: Y= Psi because I don't know how the nifty regulars use that fancy font Yi: Incident wave Yr: Reflected wave Yt: Transmitted wave Y': Derivative of wave equations with respect to position (x) Lets assume that...
  6. E

    Why Wave Function Extends in Finite Potential Well

    I don't think you quite understand the physics or the math of the problem yet. To answer your question quickly, the wave function inside the well is: Asin(lx) + Bcos(lx) outside the well is: Fe^(-ka) where k: Sqrt[-2mE]/hbar (k is real because E<0) Now when you INCREASE the energy...
  7. E

    Solving the Wobble Rate for a Plate Thrown Off Axis

    First off, its an inertia tensor not an inertia matrix. Second, without actually solving the problem right now, I would suggest trying to work things out in terms of your angular momentum. If you have a plate spinning, its angular momentum will be about the Z axis. if the plate is...
  8. E

    Thevenin equivalent of a half-wave rectifier

    A few things to remember from my experience with electronic texts: DC just means always positive voltage. Thevenin equivelent circuits are useless. In the field of electronic engineering, I could be so wrong its laughable, In my experience with electronics, a Thevenin equivelent never...
  9. E

    Thevenin equivalent of a half-wave rectifier

    I can't quite imagine what exactly your circuit looks like. If your caps are filtering does that mean you are choking the input? or is it just a resevoir cap at the end of the DC input? Either way I think I understand your confusion. A half wave rectifier crapily converts AC to DC as in it...
  10. E

    Thermodynamic equilibrium

    Maybe its just me, but what the crap does thermodynamic equilibrium mean? What state function does "thermodynamic" actually represent? My only guess is that the question actually means "a system enclosed by an adiabatic boundry is necessarily at thermal equilibrium T/F" If this is what...
  11. E

    What Is Heisenberg Hamiltonian?

    I could be wrong about this since it is venturing out of my area of knowledge, but isn't the Heisenberg Hamiltonian just the regular Hamiltonian in the reference frame of the Hamiltonian operator? If I am wrong, what exactly the Heisenberg picture of operators?
  12. E

    Classical Mechanics (Lagrangian)

    I mean a much more elementary way to look at it is simple conservation of energy to find out what energy contributions there are. KE: T trans + T rot PE: V(y) Ttrans: .5mr^2 T rot: .5Iw^2 V: mg(sin[theta]) where you would figure out I as a particle on a massless string.
  13. E

    How Do You Calculate the Moment of Inertia for an Object Along a Diagonal Axis?

    I think this question must come from a statics class or CE class, but probably not a classical mechanics class. Any physics class I took would ask for the momentS of inertia or the intertia tensor. If the object has no bound, what are going to integrate from? 0 -> oo? Anyway, this will...