Recent content by F.Turner

  1. F.Turner

    Reverted Gear Train Design Problem | Get Help Now

    Project for mechanical design. I was stuck and not sure how I should take on the problem so was looking for some pointers.
  2. F.Turner

    Reverted Gear Train Design Problem | Get Help Now

    Thanks for reply Billy, yes I plan on assuming the torque and speed values I'm given is constant. I've outlined the steps I'll take to solve this problem and my final step I expect to be able to know the angular velocity of gears A1 and B1 that will allow me to know the torque and velocity of...
  3. F.Turner

    Reverted Gear Train Design Problem | Get Help Now

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical engineering forums, so no HH Template is shown > I have a design problem that has two predictions that I must make. The constants that I am given is the amount of teeth each gear has, the diameter of the gears, the input torque, speed in...
  4. F.Turner

    Solving the Satellite Paradox: K+U=E

    Okay thanks I got it
  5. F.Turner

    Solving the Satellite Paradox: K+U=E

    Ok then that would mean dE/dr wouldn't work so, it has to be dE/dt in order to get my answer; so in order to take the derivative with respect to time I would have to plug in v=d/t into the equation right...
  6. F.Turner

    Solving the Satellite Paradox: K+U=E

    That is what I show up there its E=-\mu/2r where \mu = (v^2)r
  7. F.Turner

    Solving the Satellite Paradox: K+U=E

    So if I take the derivative of the specific total energy E with respect to the distance value r something like this: dE/dr = -\mu/2r --> i plug in the value of \mu = (v^2)*r it turns into -(v^2)*r/2r the r will cancel in this case...(or maybe i should leave one alone and continue to eval the...
  8. F.Turner

    Solving the Satellite Paradox: K+U=E

    1. {This paradox denotes the fact that a satellite in a near circular orbit suffers an increase in velocity when subject to a drag force.} The Specific energy of the satellite is K + U = E where K =v^2/2 is specific kinetic energy. U= -u/r is specific energy and E is specific total energy. If...
  9. F.Turner

    Why Does the Minimum Radius of Curvature Occur at the Apex in Parabolic Motion?

    Okay, I think I'm heading in the right direction now, I am trying to evaluate the radius of curvature as a function of position from there i will attempt to...not sure yet
  10. F.Turner

    Why Does the Minimum Radius of Curvature Occur at the Apex in Parabolic Motion?

    Homework Statement A projectile in uniform gravitational field g=-g*j\hat{} with initial location x(t=0)=_{}xo, y(0)=_{}yo show explicitly that the minimum value of radius of curvature \partial of the resulting parabolic trajectory occurs at the apex and equal to (^{}vox)^2/g Homework...