Recent content by fsonnichsen

  1. fsonnichsen

    I Margenau on quadratic form

    OK and thanks! The authors assumptions make sense but they must be evaluated carefully so I thought I may have missed something 49 years ago when I read the book the 1st time-it was quite a famous book back then. I find the Cauchy-Schwarz ineq. for complex numbers in N dimensions somewhat...
  2. fsonnichsen

    I Margenau on quadratic form

    Looking at the proof of the Schwarz inequality in Margenau and Murphy, you will see what I attached. Gamma is asserted to be positive (OK). Given that the usual "quadratic form" solution would read "-(B+B*) .....". The sign does not seem correct to me as shown. In a fact B+B* = 2Re(B) and...
  3. fsonnichsen

    I Can adding a second peltier cooler help lower temperatures even further?

    Yes-insulation is important. I originally used a plastic junction box for the chamber and it performed poorly. The equilibrium box temperature was about 3 deg lower than room--I added 1/2" and then 1" insulation and that finally worked. Measuring the temperature of the box it is now close to...
  4. fsonnichsen

    I Can adding a second peltier cooler help lower temperatures even further?

    Thanks Russ. yes-the water cooling seems to do a good job. I have an air cooled unit with a pair of fans - looks like a jet turbo engine. My water cooled one is small-the cooling cell of course hardly bigger than the chip. It seems to perform a bit better than the air cooled. It is obviously...
  5. fsonnichsen

    I Can adding a second peltier cooler help lower temperatures even further?

    I am using a small peltier cooler (fan on cold side, water cooled on hot side) to lower the temperature of an insulated box. I use this for testing the temperature drift of optical devices. I can get temperatures down to about 10deg C with this but was hoping for around 2deg. My question...
  6. fsonnichsen

    I Calculating Candela Power for LED

    I absolutely agree with tech99. In fact, what we need to know about light- the number of photons, the wavelengths and the directions can be used by a proficient electrical engineer or physicist to calculate all the measurable values of what I believe is more than 50+ specialized and often...
  7. fsonnichsen

    I Calculating Candela Power for LED

    Yes--of course to get the overall power one would want the details of the curve---in other words I can draw several curves of differing power, all with the same max peak height tnx fritz
  8. fsonnichsen

    I Calculating Candela Power for LED

    Thanks Alan. I am versed in the many ways that electrical power, photon-flux, luminosity etc is expressed, and viewed from theory they are all quite simple- but my problem is knowing how the vendors are using the terms. As you state-the Candela is a function of angle-and it is not clear what...
  9. fsonnichsen

    I Calculating Candela Power for LED

    I am looking for the power in watts, total, put out by and LED. This for example, if I enclosed the complete device in an integrating sphere, what power output would be measured in watts. Unfortunately a lot of the vendors report power in Candela. I could not get a response on this, but I am now...
  10. fsonnichsen

    Seek Open Source Web Design Software for Serial Controlled Systems

    Thank you for the replies. A look at the Flask software shows it to have a high deployment rate so it would make sense for me to look at that. To avoid confusion I can describe a little more. This will run on a standalone system-no internet connections. The very small body of scientists using it...
  11. fsonnichsen

    Seek Open Source Web Design Software for Serial Controlled Systems

    I am hoping this forum may be a good page for this question. Not sure where else to post. I have been asked if I can write a user GUI to control a system that we build--the system is made with the fairly common electronics board designs and PIC MPs and presently is controlled from a...
  12. fsonnichsen

    I Raytracing Programs: Find Under $1000 | Fritz

    Unfortunately my Zemax license has expired a few years back and I have a nominal amount of geometrical optics tracing I want to look at. I don't want to burden our small grant with a new license and the work I am doing isn't very sophisticated. Is anyone up to date on what is out there these...
  13. fsonnichsen

    A Blazed Gratings and Littrow Mounting

    I cannot for the life of me find any concise information on how blazed gratings improve the spectral throughput of a spectrometer system. The blazed grating structure and how it redirects spectral reflection is itself understandable- but any information I have indicates that it somehow...
  14. fsonnichsen

    Sodium Vapor Lamps (low pressure) for spectral calibration and diffraction work

    Yes-their spectra for the Ne lamp shows peaks starting at 533.06. I assume it has a reasonable coherency given that it is a gas lamp. I guess the Na lamp is history save for a few bulbs left in old inventory. Thanks fritz
  15. fsonnichsen

    Sodium Vapor Lamps (low pressure) for spectral calibration and diffraction work

    Andy I think the high pressure lamps have a lot of Lorentz broadening. However I was able to locate a Ne lamp this weekend and will try it today. There are a couple of intense lines around 533nm. I have not worked with arc sources but your comment on the coherency is interesting--I will...