Recent content by geologist

  1. G

    Manipulating exponents: not sure how this example is worked out

    That make sense. I understand what’s going on now. The step 2^3+(2^3*3^3) is unnecessary. My confusion with 2^3(1+3^3) can be understood better looking at the originally stated problem 2^3 + 3^3. Now it’s easy to see how 2^3 factors out.
  2. G

    Manipulating exponents: not sure how this example is worked out

    I understand how a(b-c) = ab - ac and how (5x+2)(5x+2) = 25x^2 + 20x + 4, but I'm struggling to understand what is "a" in the above problem. I'll have to digest this information and read more examples on the distributive property.
  3. G

    Manipulating exponents: not sure how this example is worked out

    Summary: An example problem on leaves out a step in solving 2^3 + 6^3 I've spend a couple days trying to understand how the second step of solving the problem 23 + 63, which is 23 + 63 = 23 + (23 * 33) = 23(1 + 33). It is not clear how this problem gets to 23(1 + 33). I can see...
  4. G

    Python Practicing Python and R at the same time

    My company deals with mainly with environmental contamination assessments (, I assume "dirt burning" implies petroleum?. I was actually learning python first, I only start learning R when I saw my co-worker using it for something, which in...
  5. G

    Python Practicing Python and R at the same time

    Part of the reason for learning python is because GIS software (namely ArcGIS, QGIS, and GRASS GIS) utilize python for scripting. I'm focusing on R and python this year, but they won't necessarily be the only languages I learn.
  6. G

    Python Practicing Python and R at the same time

    Hello, I've learned some of the basics of python through the sololearn Python 3 course (I also started the first week of the MIT Intro to computer science and programming on, but I found it beyond beginner level and decided to go through the sololearn Python 3 first). My company...
  7. G

    Studying Share self-studying mathematics tips

    I know this is a bit of an old post, but I often find myself wanting to study more subjects than I should. How many hours per week do you partake in self-study?
  8. G

    Studying Share self-studying mathematics tips

    I'm interested in learning math, partially for its own sake, but mostly because I am very interested in learning scientific computing (emphasis in environmental modeling, e.g. climate, groundwater). For that I'd like to be able to cover precalculus material (algebra, trig) and basic calculus...
  9. G

    Studying Self-Studying Scientific Computing for future graduate study

    I'm not too familiar with weather simulations, although I'd like to go through the text Principles of Planetary Climate once I build up my math skills (I know weather and climate modeling is not the exact same). I'm more familiar with groundwater modeling, having taken one course many years ago...
  10. G

    Studying Self-Studying Scientific Computing for future graduate study

    That is a very good question. To be honest, I came across that course title or a variation of it on some of the scientific computing course listings I found (This one being one: With regards to...
  11. G

    Studying Self-Studying Scientific Computing for future graduate study

    Thanks. From what I've heard, once you learn one programming language (in my case python), it's easier to learn another. What level of math and physics should I have reviewed before reading this book?
  12. G

    Studying Self-Studying Scientific Computing for future graduate study

    I like to start a graduate program in scientific computing within the next 4-5 years, once my kids are a little older, my wife finishes her degree, and I have more money saved. In the meantime, I’m not going to waste time. Using the MIT challenge completed by Scott Young as inspiration, I’ve...
  13. G

    How many months should I give myself to learn Calculus I-III

    Given my math background, I'll use this one as a second reference as my ability improves.
  14. G

    How many months should I give myself to learn Calculus I-III

    thanks, I actually came across that book after this topic from a blog post (from micromass, I think). I'll go through this one and supplement with videos from the udemy and edx course I'm registered for. My main goal for learning calculus is to be able to go through the textbooks "Principles of...
  15. G

    How many months should I give myself to learn Calculus I-III

    Sounds good. I have an old calculus with analytic geometry (Howard Anton) and calculus an intuitive approach (Morris Kline).