Recent content by Gooolati

  1. G

    Convolution of continuous case

    Hi mfb thanks for the reply. Wouldn't I need the bounds for when I write my final answer as a probability density? And for the second question, would I sketch x+y=a alongside my fx(x) and fy(y)? So that way as a=x+y has different values I could see how x and y vary? Like I found this...
  2. G

    Convolution of continuous case

    Hello all, I am currently working on studying for my P actuary exam and had some questions regarding using convolution for the continuous case of the sum of two independent random variables. I have no problem with the actual integration, but what is troubling me is finding the bounds...
  3. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    So this is strange... I looked up a copy of the book online, and the proof was entirely different than the copy I have. Something else to note, sometimes in my book when referring to previous propositions or theorems, rather than saying something like "By Theorem 25" it says "By Theorem (??)"...
  4. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    Really? They are trying to bound the integral of f over A. What do they do after they split up A?
  5. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    So does anyone have any tips for me? I would appreciate it very much
  6. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    The proposition says that for every epsilon greater than zero, there is a delta greater than zero sorry I should have included that
  7. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    it is on page 92 of Real Analysis by Royden/Fitzpatrick, Fourth Edition. It is in Section 4.6 and it is Proposition 23.
  8. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    \int_{x\in A, f(x)\geq c} f \leq \frac{1}{c} \int_{E} f Thanks for this ! Yes the m(A) < δ and it is saying that if you integrate over this set A (a measurable subset of E), that the value of the integral will be < ε
  9. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    What happened was I split the domain of A into two parts, one where f(x) < c and one where f(x) >= c Then I applied Chebychev's inequality to the part where f(x) >= c but I was confused as to why \int\limits_{x in A s.t. f(x)>=c} \ <= (1/c) * \int\limits_E \ edit: don't think that...
  10. G

    Quick Chebychev Inequality Question

    Hello all, I am currently working through a proof in my Real Analysis book, by Royden/Fitzpatrick and I'm confused on a part. if f is a measurable function on E, f is integrable over E, and A is a measurable subset of E with measure less than δ, then ∫|f| < ε...
  11. G

    Epsilon/Delta Proof With 2 Variables

    hmm I have never used polar coordinates with an epsilon delta proof before so x=rcosθ and y=rsin so f(x,y) is rcosθ(cos^{2}θ - sin^{2}θ) and r<\delta and cosθ <= 1 so f(x,y) < \delta(cos^{2}θ - sin^{2}θ) which = \deltacos(2θ) <= \delta(1) = \delta set \delta = \epsilon...
  12. G

    Epsilon/Delta Proof With 2 Variables

    Homework Statement Prove: f(x,y) = \frac{x(x^{2}-y^{2}}{(x^{2}+y^{2}} if (x,y) \neq (0,0) 0 if (x,y) = (0,0) is continuous at the origin Homework Equations \forall \epsilon > 0 \exists \delta > 0 s.t. if |(x,y)| < \delta then |f(x,y)| < \epsilon (Since we are proving...
  13. G

    Set up Differential Equation for the following situation

    Homework Statement Going at top speed, grand prix driver X leads archrival Y by a steady 3 miles. Only 2 miles from the nish, X runs out of gas. Thereafter, X decelerates with time at a rate proportional to the square of her (instantaneous) speed and in the next mile X's speed exactly...
  14. G

    Finding Basis of Null Space and Range

    do you have any idea of what the dimension of M2x3(F) is? Since it is 2x3, the dimension would be 6? Because we would need 6 vectors: \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array}, \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \end{array}, \begin{array}{ccc} 0 &...
  15. G

    Finding Basis of Null Space and Range

    Homework Statement Prove T is a linear transformation and find bases for both N(T) and R(T). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution T:M2x3(F) \rightarrow M2x2(F) defined by: T(a11 a12 a13) (a21 a22 a23) (this is one matrix) = (2a11-a12 a13+2a12)...