Recent content by guigabyte

  1. guigabyte

    How Can I Identify Series and Parallel Components in a Circuit?

    A series connection is one where the current has no other path other than to the next component. Parallel is when both the positive and negative sides of each component are connected to each other.
  2. guigabyte

    Career help in Robotics and Mechatronics

    Not the first option...
  3. guigabyte

    Anyone watching Game of Thrones? (spoilers)

    Hahah nice Arya scene in the beginning though [emoji1]
  4. guigabyte

    Lightning striking electric circuits

    Lightning hits power lines very frequently because they are very high, just like trees.
  5. guigabyte

    Schools Comparing the good and bad universities around the world.

    I believe an education at a university in the US is generally more marketable around the world. To sum it up in one word: reputation.
  6. guigabyte

    Intro Physics Top Modern Physics Books for Undergrad Students

    What do you mean by pretty hard to read? Like technicality wise, or it just gets a little bit boring?
  7. guigabyte

    B Preserve Fresh Meat: Spin at Relativistic Speeds?

    Let's assume there is a device that can hold fresh meat in a stationary position, and this device can spin at relatively high speeds. Would this allow fresh meat to last longer without freezing?
  8. guigabyte

    PF Investing Club: The Stock Market & Compounding Interest

    I'd recommend looking into buying into some cryptocurrency like ether or bitcoin. Even though they are very volatile many believe there is huge room for growth. I personally believe the etherium protocol is great and I think it will grow.
  9. guigabyte

    Other Help designing self-taught astrophysics curriculum

    I'd definitely recommend learning the basics of calculus before jumping into differential equations or even physics one and two..physics two, assuming it's the introductory E&M one, relies heavily on integration, and you might not get what's going on if you don't know that concept.
  10. guigabyte

    What unanswered questions does the universe hold for medical physics?

    I am currently an EE major focusing on signal processing and communication theory! Very interested in the wonders of physics and the unanswered questions it brings to the universe. I have recently been looking at a medical physics program, and that is what brought me here.