Recent content by hoang anh tuan

  1. H

    Predicting Post-Impact Motion of 2D Object

    I have tried dropping it and sometimes it does not really bounce up but rather just drop down so the angle plays an important role. May be rolling is not the correct term to describe it.
  2. H

    Predicting Post-Impact Motion of 2D Object

    I am using this in a program, so it has to quantify in order for me to do anything. I need a general bogus truth :)
  3. H

    Predicting Post-Impact Motion of 2D Object

    What i mean is an analytical way of predicting the outcome based on numerical numbers in a form of formula, for example, comparing the ratio of the potential energy with the dissipated energy and having some kind of a bound so when the ratio crosses the bound it's either going to bounce or just...
  4. H

    Predicting Post-Impact Motion of 2D Object

    I have a question: How to predict the post-impact motion of an 2D object, for example, a square, whether it will roll or bounce up, after hitting a flat surface. Given that we know the motion of inertia,angle of impact, pre-impact horizontal and vertical speed, angular velocity,? Thanks, the...
  5. H

    Calculating Normal Vectors for 2D Surfaces: A Scientific Approach

    It am having an experiment where a flat square piece is dropped onto a small plank (almost flat as well, probably 5mm thick) and the camera on top of the set up can give information on the displacement in x,y of the square, angle of rotation, speed in x and y as well as angular velocity. I am...
  6. H

    Calculating Normal Vectors for 2D Surfaces: A Scientific Approach

    It's actually used to measure post-impact velocity (, when the object bounces off, i am trying (0,1) for the normal vector as well, but the result does not really tally with what i see when i measure it, will it matter if the plank is not on the...
  7. H

    Calculating Normal Vectors for 2D Surfaces: A Scientific Approach

    Sorry for my lacks of info. Yes, n is normal to the plank, and the plank is horizontal, the square is just an object where i get the coordinate of its center of mass c, a circle or a polygon will do as well.
  8. H

    Calculating Normal Vectors for 2D Surfaces: A Scientific Approach

    Can you guys show me how to calculate the normal vector n, given that i know the coordinates of the center c (c1,c2), the side of the square (let's call it s), and the length of the plank (l) below the square? i am taking the assumption that n is (0,1), which seems to be incorrect, because the...