Recent content by jonlevi68

  1. J

    How do you find acceleration when you are only given netwons?

    Net force is then 20N - 480N = -460N. Divide by the mass (F = ma).
  2. J

    Estimating Work on the Ferris Wheel: George Washington Gale Ferris Jr.

    I've been thinking about this problem for the last half hour, but can't seem to come up with a way of finding a solution. Maybe some of you can help. "George Washington Gale Ferris. Jr., a civil engineering graduate from RPI, built the original Ferris wheel. The wheel carried 36 wooden cars...
  3. J

    Solving the Ferris Wheel Problem: Estimating Work Requirement

    I've been thinking about this problem for the last half hour, but can't seem to come up with a way of finding a solution. Maybe some of you can help. "George Washington Gale Ferris. Jr., a civil engineering graduate from RPI, built the original Ferris wheel. The wheel carried 36 wooden cars...