Recent content by Jordanosaur

  1. J

    Solving Induced EMF Problem with Jordan's Help

    Hi guys - Here's the problem I'm stuck on: In a physics laboratory experiment, a coil with 160 turns enclosing an area of 13.7 (cm^2) is rotated during the time interval 4.60×10−2(s) from a position in which its plane is perpendicular to Earth's magnetic field to one in which its plane...
  2. J

    How Do You Calculate the Electric Field Inside a Bored Insulating Cylinder?

    Doc - Sorry it took a bit to follow up. I think I understand what you are saying - By using superposition, we are effectively able to substitute a -charge density for the small cylinder. Because the charge density, \rho, is 0 for the small cylinder, we can establish -\rho to allow it to...
  3. J

    How Do You Calculate the Electric Field Inside a Bored Insulating Cylinder?

    Thanks - By that, do you mean that I should replace the hole with point charges that equal out to a 0 net charge? Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm following you exactly Thanks again Jordan
  4. J

    How Do You Calculate the Electric Field Inside a Bored Insulating Cylinder?

    Hi all - I reposted this here, as I posted in the advanced forum on accident: Here's the problem I am having trouble with: A very long, solid insulating cylinder with radius "R" has a cylindrical hole with radius "a" bored along its entire length. The axis of the hole is a distance "b"...
  5. J

    Solving a Basic Atwood Machine Setup Problem

    Doc - Thanks for your insight - I'm glad someone else thinks this is a difficult problem, as I was beginning to feel like i just wasn't catching on. I am going to take another look at this problem this afternoon when I finish some other work, and I will post my progress. One question -...
  6. J

    Solving a Basic Atwood Machine Setup Problem

    Hi all - Here's the problem I am having trouble with - Basic Atwood machine setup - Two masses are hanging from a pulley m pulley = 2.0kg frictional torque from pulley = .50 Nm radius of pulley = .06m mass1 = 4.0kg mass2 = 2.0kg The system is at rest with mass1...
  7. J

    Energy conservation problem (two star system)

    Hi guys - Here's the problem I am chewing on: A binary star system consists of two stars, each equal to the sun in mass. The distance between the two stars is 1.0 X 10^12m. A comet which is essentially at rest, begins to make its journey toward the binary star system as a result of...
  8. J

    Roller Coaster/Energy conservation

    Beautiful - That's exactly what i was missing - It totally makes sense as the PE is increasing as the KE goes down toward the top of the coaster. That's what I didn't think to factor into the final equation. I really appreciate your help, and you have saved me a couple extra hours of...
  9. J

    Roller Coaster/Energy conservation

    Thanks for your response! So the radial acceleration in circular motion is (v^2/R), and when it is set equal to the acceleration of gravity, you can conclude that Vmin = sqrt (gR). Now, I'm thinking that we need to know the velocity at the bottom of the ramp entering the loop, and we can...
  10. J

    Roller Coaster/Energy conservation

    Hi All - Here's the problem I have: A block of mass m slides down a frictionless track, then around the inside of a circular loop-the-loop of radius R. What minimum height h must the block have to make a full run around the loop without falling off? The answer is to be given as a...