Recent content by Juwad

  1. J

    Zumdahl Text Users - How Many?

    Cool! we should get together :D
  2. J

    Find Zumdahl's Chemistry 5th Edition Online or PDF

    Who said someone was going to copy? Was that the first thing that popped to your head? Sometimes, it happens that the teacher doesn't check each and every problem just see's that we did all of them. :rolleyes:
  3. J

    Derivative of e^(1+lnx): Solving for y

    hello, i need some assistance on this problem: y = e^(1+lnx) 1st. I brought down the (1+lnx) by using natural log on both sides. lny*y'=(1+lnx)*lne y'/y=(1/x)*1 y'=e^(1+lnx)*(1/x) what do i do next?
  4. J

    Zumdahl Text Users - How Many?

    hey prof, i'm currently using this book (fifth edition). I would need some help. Thanks
  5. J

    Find Zumdahl's Chemistry 5th Edition Online or PDF

    Hello, If anyone know an online book website for Zumdahl's Chemistry Fifth Edition please share it, i am looking for it. Also, if anyone have the answer book, pdf file? or link please let me know. Thanks
  6. J

    Symmetric Difference Qutotient

    oh cool!, so this is right?
  7. J

    Symmetric Difference Qutotient

    One last question For what types of problems is the symmetric difference quotient useful?
  8. J

    Symmetric Difference Qutotient

    now i see..i got the first part done.. \L\\\lim_{h\to\0}\frac{[a(x+h)^{2}+b(x+h)+c]-[a(x-h)^{2}+b(x-h)+c]}{2h} \L\\\lim_{h\to\0}\frac{ax^{2}+2axh+ah^{2}+bx+c-ax^{2}+2axh-ah^{2}-bx+bh-c}{2h} \L\\\lim_{h\to\0}\frac{4axh+2bh}{2h}...
  9. J

    Symmetric Difference Qutotient

    it is said that this can make an invalid approximation..any ideas?
  10. J

    DNA & Protein: Similarities in Structure

    thanks geoffjb, are you a teacher or student?
  11. J

    DNA & Protein: Similarities in Structure

    oh i see the code word would be different which would change the base
  12. J

    DNA & Protein: Similarities in Structure

    I you used advil as an example.. :P
  13. J

    Symmetric Difference Qutotient

    the distance in a point