Recent content by KarolinaPL

  1. KarolinaPL

    Are there any specific questions about using HypNMR for molecular research?

    Is anyone here using HypNMR?
  2. KarolinaPL

    The infulence of ligands in complexes

    Hello! I analise metal chemical shifts, its formula is MR4, where M is transition metal, like Palladium, and there is some trend: I > CN > Br > NH3 > NO2 > Cl > H2O, the same trend is observed for similar complex of formula: Pd(R)3Cl, Pd(NH3)2X2, Pd(R)Cl3 So, the metal signal shielding...
  3. KarolinaPL

    Understanding the Distinctions Between MOFs, COFs, and POPs: A Brief Overview

    So... 1) MOFs (inorganic-organic hydrids which consist of metal/metal clusters nodes and organic ligand as linkers, can be crystalline, amorphous, micro- or mesoporous), 2) crystalline COPs (extended organic structures where building blocks are linked by strong covalent bonds, they are made...
  4. KarolinaPL

    Understanding the Distinctions Between MOFs, COFs, and POPs: A Brief Overview

    What are the differences between 1) Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs), 2) Covalent Organic Polymers (COFs) and 3) Porous Organic Polymers (POPs)?? 2 are the same like 1, but there is no coordination bond just covalent bonds? 3 there is no metal atom? how to distinguish between such a similar species?
  5. KarolinaPL

    What is the basicity of carbon: primary, secondary, tertiary

    what is the basicity of carbon: primary, secondary, tertiary, e.g. in 1-adamantylamine (C connected with N is connected also with 3 other C, 2-adamantylamine (with two other C), 1-adamantymmethylamine (with just one next carbon)? more carbons connected to this first carbon: ...-C-NH2 makes it...
  6. KarolinaPL

    What Factors Affect the Polarizability of Ligands?

    Hi, why polarizability of ligand -OH2 is bigger than of -H? what is the polarizability of NO2 comparing to them and e.g. I? i know that for halogens, it increase with increase of size of halogen down the group (electrons have more space on bigger atom), but how it is with other ligands? Thank you.
  7. KarolinaPL

    NMR spectroscopy, ligand's influence

    Hi, i have been wondering about the influence of the ligands on metal NMR shifts, for complexes with metal like Pd, the ligands are 2 amine ligands, and they have also two chlorides in structure, cis or trans geometry. In DMF, when comparing the difference between the chemical shifts of the...
  8. KarolinaPL

    Silver Salt Solubility: RCOOAg Solubility

    What is the solubility of silver salt of the formula RCOOAg (RCOO=phenylbutyrate, DMF, MeOH, water?)
  9. KarolinaPL

    Any technique to analise what is my product?

    hi! i have some strange by-product, intermediate, or something... i prepared inorganic complex, and it is contaminated ith something (have problems with purification), when i measure platinum NMR, i can observe signal of my product (which should be yellow), but it is yellowish and white (or...
  10. KarolinaPL

    Oxidizing Agents: Antibacterial Properties & Destruction of Bacteria

    why are they antibacterial, how they destroy bacterias? they just decompose organic molecules?
  11. KarolinaPL

    Exploring the Wonders of Chemistry: Introducing KarolinaPL

    Hi everyone, I'm a new member and i wanted to introduce myself. I am a chemistry student from Poland, and i love science! I am not a specialist in any particular branch of chemistry, but i would like to understand how the world works... and i try some experiments in inorganic chemistry, so...
  12. KarolinaPL

    How Can I Grow Crystals of My Platinum Complexes?

    Hi! i prepare different platinum(II) complexes, derivatves of cisplatin, where one or two ammine ligands are substituted by bulky hydrophobc amine... i would like to grow crystals, but i have a problem with it... the solvent... they are usually poor soluble in water, good soluble in e.g. DMF...