Recent content by Khan86

  1. K

    Volume of region between two functions?

    I'll try and describe the three dimensional region more clearly. z1 = 2x^2 - 4 is a parabola in the x-z plane that runs all through the y-axis, if that makes sense. It is a three dimensional surface that happens to be independent of y, so it is the same parabola for all y-values. The same...
  2. K

    Volume of region between two functions?

    The two functions are z=2x^2-4 and z=4-2y^2, and I'm supposed to find the volume between the two by integrating two ways: one with respect to z first, and the other with respect to z last (x and y don't have a set order). When integrating with respect to z first, I had the limits such that z...
  3. K

    Restricting Coefficients in a General Second Degree Equation

    Given the general equation Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 = 0, my question is what kind of restrictions can you put on A, B, and C such that the equality holds?