Recent content by Lujz_br

  1. Lujz_br

    Translational kinetic in solids

    Thanks! About interaction, we read in next paragraph: (Conceptual physics, Twelfth Edition) "The effect of translational kinetic energy versus rotational and vibrational ki- netic energy is dramatically demonstrated by a microwave oven. The microwaves that bombard your food cause certain...
  2. Lujz_br

    Translational kinetic in solids

    I'm a bit confuse. In chapter 15, of Conceptual physics by Paul Hewitt: "Temperature is related to the random motion of atoms and molecules in a sub- stance. (...) More specifically, temperature is proportional to the average “trans- lational” kinetic energy of random molecular motion (motion...
  3. Lujz_br

    Question 6.9 Taylor: Classical Mechanics

    Ok, 1st is y = A1 ex 2nd is y = A2 e-x and general solution is y = A1 ex + A2 e-x which go to y = senh(x)/senh(1). Ok, remember this (two solutions) is fine way to get the right answer... :)
  4. Lujz_br

    Question 6.9 Taylor: Classical Mechanics

    Homework Statement Hello, I solved others but not 6.9: Find the equation of the path joining the origin O to point P(1,1) in the xy plane that makes the integral ∫(y'2 +yy' + y2) dx stationary. ∫ from O to P. y' = dy/dx Homework Equations I need use ∂f/∂y = d/dx (∂f/∂y') (euler-lagrange...