Recent content by mansi

  1. M

    Is Every Punctured Open Set in R^2 Path Connected?

    I was asked to prove, every punctured open set in R^2 is path connected. My argument : take points x and y. let z be the point we've taken off from U (open). if x, y,z do not pass through a staright line, we have a segment between a and y. Now if the 3, i.e. x,y,z lie on a straight...
  2. M

    Unlocking Knowledge: The Value of Attending Eminent Speakers' Lectures"

    We had a series of 4 lectures by Prof. Langlands as well(possibly, he's touring India)...the topic being "Probabilistic Statistical Mechanics". I just went there to get a glimpse of the legend( I attended only the first one)...
  3. M

    Solving Generating Function Problems - How to Get the Answer

    Thanks,Sir...that was a big help :-)
  4. M

    Solving Generating Function Problems - How to Get the Answer

    That's precisely what my professor said in class!Can you give me examples where they're used?
  5. M

    Solving Generating Function Problems - How to Get the Answer

    I meant f(x) is that expression and not (f(x))^-1. But well...I just got to know that the problem can be solved not using ordinary generating functions but will require "something" called exponential generating functions. Can Someone here please give me a motivation for the concept of...
  6. M

    Solving Generating Function Problems - How to Get the Answer

    We are about to begin this topic soon in class... I'd like to know all about generating functions and their application. I tried reading it up...One thing I'd like to know is, once you have a generating function...then what? You get some information...but what is it? I tried to find no. of...
  7. M

    Assume that f is non-negative on (0,1)

    Hello...I need help and I know this is a very simple problem...I don't know why I'm getting stuck( Maybe because it's past midnight here:frown: ) Assume that f is non-negative on (0,1) and the third derivative of f exists on (0,1).If f(x)=0 for at least 2 values of x in (0,1), show that there...
  8. M

    Music Mellow Jazz & Blues Music: Recommendations Wanted

    you,your kids and animals have got company...I Like Yanni too :smile: !
  9. M

    Who Has the Best Communication Skills on Physics Forums?

    Suddenly this thread seems to make sense (the OP seems to have disappeared from the scene) ...good job ousider,marlon and smurf :cool: !
  10. M

    Is there a solution using the Box Principle for a chessmaster's game schedule?

    how do we get the inequality 1<= a1 <=...<=a77 <= 132 ?? it hasn't been mentioned anywhere that the number of games played keeps increasing with each passing day, has it??
  11. M

    Music Exploring Indian & Western Music: A Mathematician's Perspective

    Thanks so much for all the inputs...i was hoping for more responses,though...
  12. M

    Music Exploring Indian & Western Music: A Mathematician's Perspective

    The reason I decided to post my queries out here is simple:I believe that ideas of PF members,by and large,represent the ideas of the world. :smile: I've been learning indian classical music for about 12 years now...have lots of friends who're equally passionate about music.I guess...
  13. M

    PF Member : The Cryptic Clue Game

    27. unity is mightier than his eccentricity
  14. M

    PF Member : The Cryptic Clue Game

    <<Matt Grime>>