Recent content by Medicalboy

  1. M

    Why is 'the velocity' in circular motion changing?

    ' As you said above 'Change speed or direction and velocity changes. So, in constant speed or velocity, we can not change direction or If we change direction, the velocity would change? say, If we drive a car at a constant speed (40km/hr), can't we change the direction?
  2. M

    How to know 'the displacement of a particle is 'negative'?

    Could you provide a phenomenon example where we can see the negative displacement?
  3. M

    Why is 'the velocity' in circular motion changing?

    Why is the velocity in circular motion changing, why not constant?
  4. M

    How to know 'the displacement of a particle is 'negative'?

    Homework Statement If x1 and x2 are the initial and the final position vectors of particle respectively. Then, displacement of the particle is delta x = x2 - x1 But my question is how to know that the displacement is negtivive and its direaction? (could you provide a practical example so that I...
  5. M

    Is the least count constant for Vernier scale or variables?

    As you said above 'The least count stays fixed for a particular Vernier'. When the main scale division is 9mm and the vernier scale division is 10 mm, we get the least count 0.01 mm, on the other hand, for the same scale, when the main scale division is 49 mm and the vernier scale division is 50...
  6. M

    Is the least count constant for Vernier scale or variables?

    Homework Statement Is the least count constant for Vernier scale like 0.1 mm or variables? 2. The attempt at a solution If the main scale readings are 10 mm and the vernier scale readings are 9 mm, the least count is MSD/VSD = 9/10 = 0.9 So the least count is 0.1 mm for every count in the...
  7. M

    What is the Purpose of the Physics Forums Community?

    Hi everyone. Nice to meet you all in PF