Recent content by MemoIhad

  1. M

    Dynamics Question: Skier Sliding Distance

    ALright, thanks a lot for the patience and help. If I do have more questions, I'll post back. Thanks.
  2. M

    Dynamics Question: Skier Sliding Distance

    Ok, I see what your saying. So mg needs to be broken up into x an y. Now how would you do this? Would you say that the x component is mgsin4(degrees) and the y is mgcos4(degrees). My reasoning for putting the sine and cos where they are is that I remember the teacher saying that cos always goes...
  3. M

    Dynamics Question: Skier Sliding Distance

    I'm not sure what you mean by that, I think I know it by another name. What I have been taught is too draw a free body diagram, then draw all the forces acting on the object. So for this question, the FBD would look like this: Hope this is...
  4. M

    Dynamics Question: Skier Sliding Distance

    ^^ Well, to start, I don't really understand how they set up the formula for x and the formula for y. What does it mean in English? I also don't understand why they put mgsin(angle), I was taught that its always fappcos(angle).
  5. M

    Dynamics Question: Skier Sliding Distance

    Fapp is meant to denote the force applied. Normally, I'd say that the normal force would equal the force of gravity, but since its at an angle the normal force equal something else. Maybe this will help: This is the solution I found...
  6. M

    Dynamics Question: Skier Sliding Distance

    [SOLVED] Dynamics Question Homework Statement A skier on a slope inclined at 4.7(degrees) to the horizontal pushes on ski poles and starts down the slope. The initial speed is 2.7m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between skis and snow is 0.11. Determine how far the skier will slide...
  7. M

    Electrostatic Force of a hydrogen atom

    O, Ok, I understand. I was looking around the book for something like that but couldn't find it. Teacher didn't even bother to mention it.
  8. M

    Electrostatic Force of a hydrogen atom

    [SOLVED] Electrostatic Force Homework Statement One model of the structure of the hydrogen atom consists of a stationary proton with an electron moving in a circular path around it.The orbital path has a radius of 5.3x10^-11m. The masses of a proton and an electron are 1.67x10^-27kg and...
  9. M

    Finding Displacement with Constant Acceleration

    Ya, I just re-did it, I got the correct answer, which is weird, because I re-tryed it 3 times and still got 4,468.8m, but suddenly I get 10500! I hate mistakes like this, it drives me crazy for no reason. THANKS for the quick reply! I can now stop being frustrated.
  10. M

    Finding Displacement with Constant Acceleration

    Hi there, I'm having a problem with this question, it seems like I'm doing everything perfect but still getting the wrong answer: Homework Statement During a 29.4-s interval, the velocity of a rocket changes from 204m/s [fwd] to 508m/s [fwd]. Assuming constant acceleration, determine the...