Recent content by nearc

  1. nearc

    B Prereqs for Posting in Special & General Relativity

    i am far from an expert in Special and General Relativity, however, my attempts to learn from this forum are hampered by the large volume of posts involving common misconceptions and lack of understanding of the material. while the members of the forums patiently [usually] help our novice and...
  2. nearc

    I Modeling Simple N-body in Hypothetical Relativistic Dark Flow w/ Netlogo

    i assume there are already several basic relativity models, at least one for mercury? i would prefer an N-body model one that would allow me to add an additional uniform velocity in one direction, but any model would be a starting point.
  3. nearc

    I Modeling Simple N-body in Hypothetical Relativistic Dark Flow w/ Netlogo

    Looking for existing examples of or guidance on building computer simulations of simple N-bodies in relativist situations. Of particular interest is the simulation of a planet orbiting a star whilst that trivial solar system is caught in a dark flow of relativist velocity; maybe .8 or .9 C. Not...
  4. nearc

    B The Universe without Cosmic Inflation?

    obviously i cannot speak for mr smith, however, i like the use of his phrase "too convenient" as it gets the point across without being as blunt as i would have been, moreover, the phrase is accomplishing its goal by keeping people questioning the validity of using inflation
  5. nearc

    B The Universe without Cosmic Inflation?

    that's what i thought thanks for the clarification. i was tempted to use the analogy about how babies are produced during sex but babies can also be produced without sex, however, in that analogy inflation would be intercourse so there are some obvious crass images plus the very short duration...
  6. nearc

    B The Universe without Cosmic Inflation?

    unless I'm very confused [which is often] i thought matter forms when the temperature drops. there might also be some need for expansion or even complicated cooling/heating but ultimately once things are cool enough and there is enough room matter can form? we tie matter formation into...
  7. nearc

    B The Universe without Cosmic Inflation?

    for my own clarity, are you saying inflation is required to produce matter or inflation affects the production of matter?
  8. nearc

    I Spacetime of Flatland: Exploring a 2D Universe

    since we are using "flatland" as the reference point you might want to explicitly restrict interactions to only the 2D. since in the book a 3D object was allowed to interact. if that is possible then the gravity of an object outside the the 2D land could change the physics of the world
  9. nearc

    Working with Keplerian Elements & Deriving Vernal Equinox

    not sure quite what you are looking for but i recently used this site to help me convert from silly celestial to galactic coordinates, however, points far above or below the galactic plane does not yield the correct longitude.
  10. nearc

    B History of RA [why is the vernal equinox used?]

    i failed to find the history of RA [right ascension] and why the vernal equinox was picked as the starting point on the web or in the forums here. does anyone know the origins of RA? picking a solstice or equinox is obvious but why the vernal? maybe because spring in the northern hemisphere...
  11. nearc

    Announcement Changes to member Profiles

    there needs to be a "i wish i was still in school" option
  12. nearc

    I Tight grouping of exoplanets 295RA 45dec

    wow, I'm not paying attention, thanks again
  13. nearc

    I Best way to filter NED redshift data

    i'm using to extract redshift data. while I'm very happy there is now lots of data available, data requests need to be limited in size or you get an error. i would like to examine the patterns of redshift vs longitude, but that is too much data, i...
  14. nearc

    I Tight grouping of exoplanets 295RA 45dec

    thanks a bunch, that makes sense, however, the following figure suggests its center is around 37 DEC is that correct? spacecraft )#/media/File:Kepler_FOV_hiRes.jpg
  15. nearc

    I Tight grouping of exoplanets 295RA 45dec

    thanks for pointing out the typo, meant to say 295RA, fixed my replies but can not change original title [edit: yes, fixed original OP title] should we close this and reopen a new thread? also the link defaults to something other than i copied, but that is just one external link an only needed...