Recent content by nickm4

  1. N

    Techniques for Integrating Radical Functions?

    What are some techniques for integrating functions that are or contain radicals? I am familiar with trigonometric substitution. Are there any other "common" techniques or special functions that can be used to integrate these functions? or does trigonometric substitution basically take care of...
  2. N

    Supplementary Textbooks for Electromagnetics & Thermodynamics

    Can anyone recommend supplementary texts books for Electromagnetism and Thermodynamics? I'm looking for some alternatives to my recommended textbooks. The first class is an electromagnetics class. This class is heavily calculus based and consists of building up concepts that culminate to...
  3. N

    Barrier Tunneling and Kinetic Energy

    1. Homework Statement b). Find the kinetic energy K (sub t), the proton will have on the other side of the barrier if it tunnels through the barrier. c) Find the kinetic energy K (sub r), it will have if it reflects from the barrier. Variables: Transmission Coefficient (T) T= e^-2bL T...
  4. N

    Barrier Tunneling and Kinetic Energy

    1. Homework Statement b). Find the kinetic energy K (sub t), the proton will have on the other side of the barrier if it tunnels through the barrier. c) Find the kinetic energy K (sub r), it will have if it reflects from the barrier. Variables: Transmission Coefficient (T) T=...