Recent content by outxbreak

  1. O

    Biology How did they measure total cells? (genetics of bacteria)

    She gave us no other context. :/ In order to measure total survival don't you need to have a survival plate (min+his) and then replica plate these survivors onto the mutant plate (min-his). This ensures that the mutants came from those survivors. I'm still not sure the total cells to...
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    Biology Genetics of Bacteria mutagenic treatment question

    Yeah I would have deleted this board but Idk how.
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    Biology How did they measure total cells? (genetics of bacteria)

    Hmm well replica plate from the survival plate (his+ min + glu) onto another plate (-his +min +glu) But I'm really confused as to how every time point had a survival plate with 10^7 survivors? I guess they started with something like 1*1014 cells and mutagenized them with UV... so is the...
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    Biology How did they measure total cells? (genetics of bacteria)

    1. About how many cells were plated to count His+ revertant colonies? How was total cell number determined? I know that the mutation freq was out of 10^7 survivors. So they had to measure the total cell number and come up with 10^7 survivors? But I'm not sure how they got this...
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    What Happens to the Bar Magnet When the Switch is Closed?

    I'm not sure of the direction of the force in the coil.
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    What Happens to the Bar Magnet When the Switch is Closed?

    Does it matter that the current through the coil flows downward?
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    What Happens to the Bar Magnet When the Switch is Closed?

    Q: A coil is connected to a battery as shown in the figure and a bar magnet is suspended with its N pole just above the center of the coil. What will happen to the bar magnet just after the switch S is closed? Answer choices: It will be pulled toward the coil. It will be...
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    Biology Genetics of Bacteria mutagenic treatment question

    I have given up on this problem! Thanks anyways
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    Biology Genetics of Bacteria mutagenic treatment question

    I read my book again and the only thing I can imagine is that oxidation does not happen to the non-growing cells.. :/
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    Biology Genetics of Bacteria mutagenic treatment question

    I don't really know the answer. It makes since that UV could be repaired by other enzymes.. sorry I don't see how it's so "simple".
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    Biology Genetics of Bacteria mutagenic treatment question

    I'm guessing that is the UV damage? Thanks!
  12. O

    Biology Genetics of Bacteria mutagenic treatment question

    Q: Which of the following mutagenic treatments would be least effective in creating a mutation in non-replicating cells? Explain your choice. a. Treatment with a deaminating agent like nitrous acid b. Treatment with an alkylating agent like MMS c. Treatment by exposure to UV d...
  13. O

    Final Velocity in parallel plate capicator?

    yes.. the E field formula I put was a little messed up. but my initial formula took mass into account saying that Kinetic Energy is: 1/2mv2 I got the answer to E field with the formula and plugging in: Change in potential energy= (mass (vi2 -vf2)/(2q) (3.34*10^-27) ( (8.5 *10^5 m/s)2...
  14. O

    Final Velocity in parallel plate capicator?

    The E field was calculated by: Change in potential energy= sqrt (mass (vi2 -vf2)/(2q) which is 125,250 V/m This is also in the answer key so I'll go with it. I don't understand what formula to use. I can understand that in 0.02 meters the kinetic energy decreases 4*10^5 m/s so it...
  15. O

    Final Velocity in parallel plate capicator?

    So change in kinetic is just Vf-Vi or 4*10^5 m/s and work done by field is W=qED Setting these equal and solving for D 4*10^5=(3.2*10^-19)(125,250 V/m)x x=9*10^18 meters doesn't really make any sense