Recent content by Polyrhythmic

  1. P

    QED; electrons and photons, different fields, modes of a common field?

    You meant to say yes. Within the Standard Model, as you say, the photon and electron fields have different properties, therefore have to be treated as separate.
  2. P

    Feynman Diagram for Electron-Proton Attraction

    In this case, just don't forget to draw the arrows! However, this seems to me like a careless introduction of Feynman diagrams within a pedagogical text.
  3. P

    Feynman Diagram for Electron-Proton Attraction

    This makes no sense, could you please clarify?
  4. P

    Feynman Diagram for Electron-Proton Attraction

    The diagram you show may be useful (but maybe even more so misleading) for a heuristic approach to the scattering problem. Apart from the remark that you would have to include arrows on the lines, one has to notice two important facts: 1.) In quantum field theory, scattering amplitudes are...
  5. P

    2D Systems and 4D Minkowski Space: Exploring Path Integrals

    Could you please give a reference regarding the publications you are talking about?
  6. P

    Photonic Properties Determining Charge

    But doesn't your argument break down in temporal gauge, where you set A0=0?
  7. P

    Exploring Holographic QCD: Understanding the Proton in String Theory

    Yes, it is. It allows one to calculate meson, baryon and glueball spectra, form factors, and even incorporates chiral symmetry restoration at high temperature. If you're interested, take a look at some of those papers:
  8. P

    Exploring Holographic QCD: Understanding the Proton in String Theory

    Just a remark; the Sakai-Sugimoto model is non-supersymmetric.
  9. P

    Axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance

    Yes, I did, thank you! :) Corrected it!
  10. P

    Axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance

    The axial anomaly of nonabelian gauge theories actually comes from a broken U(1) symmetry. In QCD, you have U(N_f)_L\times U(N_f)_R chiral symmetry, with both a conserved left-handed current L^\mu and a right-handed one, R^\mu. It is now possible to make a linear combination of those two...
  11. P

    Group velocity at Brillouin zone boundary

    There is a very nice website explaining your example generally (it has different masses instead of different force constants, but you can just rename the constant in the first equation on the webpage). The animation in the bottom...
  12. P

    What does the relation for temperature dE/dS=T mean physically?

    The only reason I can think of is: By defining S=k_b \log \Omega, it just works out; for an ideal gas as well as for other systems (that I can't come up with right now). \frac{dS}{dE}=\frac {1}{T(E,...)}\, states that temperature is a measure of the increase in entropy when some energy is...
  13. P

    Holographic Principle: Quantum Gravity & String Theory

    In it's strict mathematical formulation, it is restricted to string theory. I'm not sure about Susskind and t'Hooft, but Maldacena is the one who conjectured it. The black hole entropy was derived without explicit use of string theory, and as such it can be seen as a manifestation of the...
  14. P

    Holographic Principle: Quantum Gravity & String Theory

    The holographic principle manifests itself in string theory in the form of the so-called "AdS/CFT-Correspondence". It was formulated in the late 90's by Juan Maldacena (hence it is also often called "Maldacena Conjecture") and it states a duality between a type IIB string theory on an...