Recent content by reson8r

  1. reson8r

    Understanding Core Loss Measurement

    I've gotten to the bottom of this, with some help from elsewhere. There is indeed a typo in eqn 3.1 -- Ipp should be ipp. And page 23 of the paper does touch on core loss dependency on D. Duty cycles away from 50% contain higher harmonic amplitudes, which contribute to higher core loss. That...
  2. reson8r

    How to design discrete circuits for transistor beta changes?

    Check out "The Art of Electronics" by Horowitz and Hill. They've just issued a new edition. It's full of helpful and practical approaches to problems like this. It starts right at the beginner level but works right through things like transistor & FET biasing and reducing beta and gm...
  3. reson8r

    What's the relationship between electric power and heat?

    I think "specific heat" might be more useful -- it's a measure of the amount of energy required to raise a substance a certain number of degrees. With power & time (energy) and specific heat you can determine how hot your object will get dissipating that power. For example, your real-world...
  4. reson8r

    How to make the sound of my doorbell circuit louder?

    With only a 3.3 V power supply you won't get much power to the speaker, only about a quarter watt by the back of my envelope here. Try a larger supply (but don't blow up your UM66). It's kind of strange to be driving a speaker with the collector of a transistor, too -- assuming the UM66...
  5. reson8r

    What's the relationship between electric power and heat?

    Power converted to heat in a component is always dissipated in an effective resistance in the component, so you can use P = I2R or V2/R to determine the power in watts from the current I through the resistance or the voltage V across it. A resistor is mostly resistance (duh), but real inductors...
  6. reson8r

    Understanding Core Loss Measurement

    Hello folks, I'm looking for a way to measure core loss in RF transformers and inductors. I found a PhD thesis here: which looks like just the ticket, but I'm having trouble understanding key parts. I've tried...
  7. reson8r

    What is Physics Forums and why should I be excited about it?

    I'm a new member with a specific question I'll soon post in Electrical Engineering, but I love Physics and this looks like a great site. Looking forward to it! Gerrit