Recent content by Robin Lee

  1. R

    Is starlight a TEM00 gaussian beam or plane wave?

    You're right. Thanks for pointing that out. Now Zemax doesn't really offer a plane wave simulation for long wavelength simulation. I need to find a new tool.
  2. R

    Is starlight a TEM00 gaussian beam or plane wave?

    Thank you! A gaussian beam can be assumed to be a plane wave when the distance it has traveled has become infinitely far since its radius of curvature increases proportionally to the distance it travels. Simulating a star as an infinitely far Gaussian beam in Zemax gives an awkward result...
  3. R

    Is starlight a TEM00 gaussian beam or plane wave?

    I am simulating a radio telescope and confused on what kind of source should I setup to simulate a star. Should it be a TEM00 gaussian beam or simply a plane wave?Cheers, Robin
  4. R

    Electric field between two plates

    I obtained \rho*2w/vacuum permittivity. I also did a sanity check that the unit is correct. Thanks for the guidance. Now I learned that for highly symmetric problem, Gauss's Law really makes the problem much easier than using Biot-Savart Law.
  5. R

    Electric field inside a charged cylinder

    You will definitely get 0 if you use Gauss's Law due to the flux being zero. I think you can use E=k*Q*r-hat/r^2
  6. R

    Electric field between two plates

    1. Positive and negative charges are distributed evenly in two parallel plates with width "w". The density of the positive and negative charge is +\rho and -\rho. Assume that the length of the plates at y direction is \infty (a) Find the electric field in the plates (b) Let the electric...
  7. R

    Engineering Similarities between engineers and physicists

    I see. Then doing a combined degree of astrophysics and electronics & telecommunication engineering seems to be a good option and I have pretty much done the right choice. What I need to do now is to get financial aids or this semster will be my last since I can't afford studying in Australian...
  8. R

    Engineering Similarities between engineers and physicists

    Were they doing astrophysics in university or did they do civil engineering/mechatronics?
  9. R

    Engineering Similarities between engineers and physicists

    Thanks for all the information. It seems to me that working as an engineer would be a much better choice as it closely matches my characteristics.
  10. R

    Engineering Similarities between engineers and physicists

    Hello, I am currently doing a double degree program of engineering and science at Australian National University. However, due to budget constraint I am going to drop engineering and just do science which will only take 3 years instead of 5 years. I am interested in astronomy and electronics...