Recent content by Roro312

  1. R

    Electrostatics physics question, by checking my answers

    Homework Statement 1. suppose that your calculator requires .20mA to operate and will be on for 20min while you solve this problem. What quantity of charge will flow during this time? I got 2.4x10^ -2 2. If the potential difference across the nerve of a frog is 85mV and its resistance is...
  2. R

    Electrostatic physics: can someone check my answers?

    1. If the potential difference across the nerve of a frog is 85mV and its resistance is 2.5x10^2 Ω what current will flow through the nerve? Answer: 3.4x10^ -4 2.If all other factors remained the same, what change in resistance would result if the radius of a wire were doubled? Answer...
  3. R

    How Do I Calculate Energy Changes in Thermodynamics Problems?

    Thats the problem... i don't know how to convert solid to liquid.. what formula do i use?
  4. R

    How Do I Calculate Energy Changes in Thermodynamics Problems?

    Tomorrow is my test and i understand partially everything... and than i stumbled upon these two questions and if i just know what's used for each formula .. i can do it 1) Calculate the amount of energy required to evaporate an ice cube having a mass of 45g. I know that first it must go...
  5. R

    Calculating percentage yield labi really ?

    In this lab we saw the reaction of lead (II) nitrate with potassium iodide to form a lead (II) iodide precipitate and aqueous potassium nitrate. Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI ----> PbI2 + 2KNO3(aq) There was 3.31 grams Lead Nitrate, 1.66 grams Potassium Iodide, and 0.48 grams lead (II) iodide...
  6. R

    Calculate Mechanical Energy & Heights of a Falling Stone - Physics Homework Help

    Thanks a lot for your help Zach... I appreciate it:smile:
  7. R

    Calculate Mechanical Energy & Heights of a Falling Stone - Physics Homework Help

    d) i got 22m/s e)Mmech=(.2)(9.8)(25)+1/2(.2)(22)^2 =97.4 J o my gosh.. i know i bugged you soo much but seriously without your help i wouldn't have got it.. THANKS ALOT:) just the last two... did you get the same?
  8. R

    Calculate Mechanical Energy & Heights of a Falling Stone - Physics Homework Help

    (b) 48.4J (c) 1/2 v2 = gh ½ (22.0)2 = 9.8h ½ (484) = 9.8h 242 = 9.8h 9.8 9.8...
  9. R

    Calculate Mechanical Energy & Heights of a Falling Stone - Physics Homework Help

    ok so for b) i got 2371.6J but for c) how do we change initial energy to potentional energy.. Thanks again for ur response... i greatly appreciate it:D
  10. R

    Calculate Mechanical Energy & Heights of a Falling Stone - Physics Homework Help

    Homework Statement A bridge is 25 m above a road below. If a .20kg stone is thrown upward from the bridge at 22.0m/s, calculate: a) the gravitational energy of the stone as it is thrown upwar b) the kinetic energy of the stone as it is thrown up c) the maximum height (above the ground)...
  11. R

    How do we calculate slope of a acceleration vs.time graph?

    How about this: It looks similar to it
  12. R

    How do we calculate slope of a acceleration vs.time graph?

    Im doing a lab about acceleration due to gravity. And one of the things we had to do is make a a-t graph using the Aave and Ttotal. Interval ∆t Ttotal ∆d Dtotal Vave ∆v Aave(cm/s^2) 1 0.050 0.050 2.0 2.0 40 - - 2 0.050 .100 4.0 6.0 80 40 800 3 0.050...