Recent content by sco_111

  1. S

    Low Water Pressure in high rise buildings

    Thanks, orodruin for your help. Apologies for flouting some of the forum rules.
  2. S

    Low Water Pressure in high rise buildings

    For a column of water, the pressure is proportional to the height of the column of water. So, at different heights, h1>h2, P(h1)<P(h2). So, I should think of this in this way. If I think of the pump as a water body which is situated at a higher level than the building, then this would apply. Is...
  3. S

    Low Water Pressure in high rise buildings

    I would understand that the enrgy required to move 1kg of water to the top flr would be proportionally higher to the height ratio. So, my assumption is incorrect. This question is part of the Pressure topic and not in fluid dynamics (which I think is advanced). So, I only know about pressure at...
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    Low Water Pressure in high rise buildings

    Hello, I am learning physics on my own and came across this question about why we would have low water pressure in a high rise apartment compared to an apartment located on ground level. I googled and cannot find a direct explanation. I took some time to think about the approach and I could...