Recent content by shafieza_garl

  1. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:input subscript value

    one more thing.if my like Subscript[d,1]=Subscript[e,1]/Subscript[f,1]; Subscript[d,2]=Subscript[e,2]/Subscript[f,2]; Subscript[d,3]=Subscript[e,3]/Subscript[f,3]; how is it possible to simplify like previous one. Thanks advance
  2. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:input subscript value

    Hi all, i want to ask a very simple question. the data i have is: Subscript[d, 1]=3; Subscript[d, 2]=7; Subscript[d, 3]=0.6; Subscript[d, 4]=5; is there any way i can put the value faster like subscript[d,i],{i,4}={3,7,0.6,5}. Thanks advance,
  3. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:how to plot a maximum point in a graph

    thanx 4 ur reply.1 more question. if i don't want to put value 1 by myself and i want the same as finding the j-value(using findmaximum). onedot = ListPlot[{j, k} /. Rest[FindMaximum[Sin[j], {j, Pi}]], PlotStyle -> {Hue[0.67], AbsolutePointSize[7]}]; is this possible to do? thanks again.
  4. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:how to plot a maximum point in a graph

    anyone can help me to plot a point. r = Plot[Sin[j], {j, 0, Pi}]; what i am doing is i use FindMaximum first to know the point of maximum. FindMaximum[Sin[j], {j, Pi}] then i manually key in the x,y coordinate from the search. onedot = ListPlot[{{1.5707963267948966, 1}}...
  5. S

    Mathematica Problem of summation-mathematica

    Thanx a a lot for da help.but what is da function of d /. Subscript[m, 1] -> 4 and do you know how can input the subscript like m_1 and m_2 if they have value ?
  6. S

    Mathematica Problem of summation-mathematica

    MATHEMATICA:differentiate the summation I need having problem to differentiate my equation respect to the m_i;How can i differentiate the equation. Second question is;When i set Y=2;how can i put the parameter like m_1;m_2;S_1;S_2; what i just do is input it manually by changing...
  7. S

    How do I solve non-linear integration using chi-square and uniform distribution?

    Sorry..i cannot understand completely of the subtitution there.this is what i understand from what u said.if I am wrong.can u explain more detail for me.because after i subtitute,the eq.cannot be integrate too.
  8. S

    How do I solve non-linear integration using chi-square and uniform distribution?

    can someone help me to solve this problem.i cannot remember how to solve the non-linear using chi-square distribution and uniform distribution. which one can i used to solve this integration?
  9. S

    Mathematica Calculate r^2*q Faster in Just 1 Click: Tips and Techniques

    hye everyone...i would like to ask question. i just wonder how to calculate question faster without solving one by one.for my equation given.i want to know if r increase by=1,2,3,4,5 and value of s are not change,how can i do without fill r by 1,2,3,4,5 one bye one.(q is fixed value).example...
  10. S

    Mathematica Mathematica NMinimize Program Running Slow - What's Wrong?

    ok..this is the code... a = 1/4; b = 4044 + 4.0/9; c = 66 + 2.0/3; d = 15.0/1000; x0 = 0.0; x3 = 5.0; n = 3; K = 9.0; c2 = 0.1; \[Alpha] = \ 0.25; p2 = 35.0; c1 = 25.0; i2 = 0.04; i1 = 0.05; \[Theta] = 0.03; R[x_, y_] = Integrate[ a*(E^(-d*t)*(E^(d*t)*(b - c*t) + E^(d*y)*(-b +...
  11. S

    Mathematica Mathematica NMinimize Program Running Slow - What's Wrong?

    i try run my program for took a long time to solve.What is the problem of my coding?
  12. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:Having problem with my calculation(numerical)

    What wrong with my calculation.the problem is from the attachment. It keeps saying NMinimize::nnum:The function value not a number at {x1,x2}=... given x0=0 and x3=5
  13. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:How to solve the summation of numerical integration

    thanks for da really help me.but is there any other way to solve when n become a large we change 3 into 10 and we want to find t1 until t9.