Recent content by shyta

  1. S

    Green's function for a critically damped oscillator

    Hmm nope I have never heard of the residue theorem. I tried wiki-ing it to see how it works, but it looks complicated. Is there any other way to do this?
  2. S

    Green's function for a critically damped oscillator

    im really bad at Fourier transform, so i didnt follow your advice.. but i did try considering the force being written as a Fourier transform f(t) = 1/2\pi∫F(w)e^{iwt} dw and the dirac delta δ(t-t')= 1/2\pi∫ e^{iwt}e^{-iwt'} dw so i went ahead to solve and i got that G(t,t') = x_{h}...
  3. S

    Green's function for a critically damped oscillator

    Hello! thanks for you reply! :) yeah you are right, i missed out the x there not sure if i got it right but on the RHS, i got \frac{1}{2\pi}\frac{1}{i(t-t')}e^{i\omega(t-t')}+C is this right? oh and (d²/dt² + 2γd/dt + ω0²) G(t,t') = δ(t-t') so i should be solving as usual 2nd order...
  4. S

    Green's function for a critically damped oscillator

    Homework Statement Consider critically damped harmonic oscillator, driven by a force F(t) Find the green's function G(t,t') such that x(t) = ∫ dt' G(t,t')F(t') from 0 to T solves the equation of motion with x(0) =0 and x(T) =0Homework Equations x(t) = ∫ dt' G(t,t')F(t') from 0 to TThe Attempt...
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    Calculating the ripple factor from oscilloscope

    Hi berkerman. Thanks for the reply. I could possibly go find a ripple diagram when i get back home. For the Vac do you mean that you just take it as Vpp. Meaning the ripple factor is given by Vpp/Vavg?
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    Calculating the ripple factor from oscilloscope

    Hello fellow physicists! I have a lab about rectifying and filtering circuits and I was asked to calculated the ripple factor using an oscilloscope. I managed to get the ripple waveform shown on the oscilloscope, but the thing is there are so many values to read off I have no idea which to...
  7. S

    Classical mechanics equation of motion

    thanks once again :D
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    Classical mechanics equation of motion

    hahah yes! omg how could I not see that!
  9. S

    Classical mechanics equation of motion

    Hey wait! integration of 0 to 0 for any function is 0 right? so v_0 = C :O
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    Classical mechanics equation of motion

    mmm.. \dot z(0) = {1 \over m} \int_0^0 e^{γT} F(T) dT + C I really have no clue on this part :S
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    Classical mechanics equation of motion

    Omg hi iloveserena again hahaha For \dot{z}(t) = e^{-\gamma t}/m \int e^{\gamma t} F(t) dt v_0 = 1/m \int e^{\gamma t} F(t) dt This is the part I'm stuck at, I'm not sure what to do with the integration function :(
  12. S

    Classical mechanics equation of motion

    Homework Statement A point mass m moving along the z axis experiences a time dependent force and a fricitional force. Solve the equation of motion m\ddot{z} = -m\gamma\dot{z} + F(t) to find v(t) = \dot{z}(t) for the initial velocity \dot{z}(0) = v_0 Hint: what is the time derivative of...
  13. S

    Classical mechanics with time dependent force

    Hehe I got that! Thanks for the reminder and help! :)
  14. S

    Classical mechanics with time dependent force

    oh i see i see. for the r(t) equation do you mean the initial conditions?