Recent content by srpvx

  1. S

    How Can I Numerically Calculate the Period of a Nonlinear ODE Trajectory?

    I mean that the numerical solution like the attachment paper.
  2. S

    How Can I Numerically Calculate the Period of a Nonlinear ODE Trajectory?

    I have a second order nonlinear ODE. I know that a trajectory with specified initial conditions \left[ x(0) = x_0, \dot{x}(0) = \dot{x}_0 \right] is periodic. How can I numerically calculate period of this trajectory without solve this DE?
  3. S

    Angular velocity and rotation matrix

    I found the answer on my question at" : But W is not a tensor, W is a pseudotensor: W_{ij} = e_{iwj} \omega_{w}.
  4. S

    Angular velocity and rotation matrix

    Hello. Sorry for my English There are R - rotation matrix (that performs transformation from associated coordinate system IE to static coordinate system OI) and \omega - angular velocity. The matrix R depends on parameters \xi (for example, Euler angles). I need to express \omega as function...