Recent content by Subductionzon

  1. S

    I Is there a tie between half life and energy of decay?

    Thank you. That was what I assumed, but it is nice to have a "reasonable assumption" confirmed. It appears that it is too complicated to represent simply. Thank you for your response.
  2. S

    I Is there a tie between half life and energy of decay?

    As we all know radioactive isotopes have different half lives and different decay energies. Is there any tie between how long or short the half life is and the amount of energy of decay? I know that it will be a rather complex problem, especially for alpha decay where the mass of the...
  3. S

    B Understanding Gravity: Common Questions Answered

    A couple of points. The formula as given is correct, though it does not accurately reflect the makeup of the Earth. As you approach the surface of a a sphere the force of gravity goes up by a inverse radius squared factor. For a uniform sphere that force decreases linearly as one go from...
  4. S

    Tension Direction: Hello, What Is Correct?

    Worse yet in reality a rope does not follow a straight line. It follows a catenary and then the math gets even more fun.
  5. S

    What caused the Quadruple Rainbow?

    The photo makes it look like a double rainbow with a reflection rainbow. Wikipedia has a nice article on rainbows. Many years ago I saw what I now realize was a supernumerary rainbow in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I had never seen one before and have never seen one since. But I still...
  6. S

    Manipulating Light: Stabilizing Beams Like Lasers

    No. Light is not just one frequency. If you ever played with a prism you would know that the amount that a beam of light is bent is dependent upon the frequency of light. The higher the frequency is the more the photons are bent. There is no way to perfectly align all of the different...
  7. S

    Is there a limit to the amount of information a photon can carry?

    But a whole lot of photons can carry "information". For example the temperature of an object is done by comparing the spectrum of light to the black body radiation of objects at a known temperature. The spectrum of light is the relative intensity of different wavelengths. One photon does not...
  8. S

    What's the point of Escape Velocity?

    You are right that you can never escape gravity. But that does not mean you cannot escape away from an object forever. If you are going fast enough away from Earth its force of gravity will never stop you. You will continually slow down, but the rate of deceleration will continually drop...
  9. S

    Does stirring water help bring it to boil faster?

    And weren't Joule's experiments done by stirring a fluid? Ideally the heat generated by stirring the pot would be added to the heat from the element, I know it would be very small, but that would also shorten the time to boiling.
  10. S

    Electric charge vs. altitude - what energy is required?

    I don't think you need to worry about gravity in your "generator". In any measurement there is going to be a margin of error. The difference in energy from gravity versus the difference in energy from electrical charge will be so small that it will get lost in any real world measurement. If...
  11. S

    A hypothetical question about gravity

    Perhaps there would be a very small movement due to tidal forces as you fell. I will have to think about the fall and the motion of the barycenter of the Earth and the Sun and that of the Earth and the Moon. Even so they should not have a significant effect. In the evacuated hole you would...
  12. S

    Why electric field is zero inside a conductor?

    Gauss' Law can not be used since as stated that is for an electrostatic condition. In other words it is not used when you have a moving charge. If you have a charge within an electric field that puts a force on that charge. If it is free to move it will move due to that force. In your...
  13. S

    Could a Black Hole be the cycle of Dark Matter powered by Dar Energy:?

    You will probably want to hear it from an astrophysicist, but they have already accounted for black holes when they counted the mass of the galaxy. They have found that regular matter is at best 1/5 of the mass in our galaxy, and black holes are included in regular matter.
  14. S

    Why Does Light Move? Exploring Its Properties

    Is there a way to measure the kinetic energy of a photon using relativity? I know you could try to measure it with Newtonian mechanics but I am pretty sure that the answer would be wrong.
  15. S

    A hypothetical question about gravity

    I see D.H. did a more exact analysis that showed that the air has to be a supercritical fluid and no longer a gas. The reason that the pressure gets so high in the calculations is that the Ideal Gas Law assumes that air is infinitely compressible. As we go down the hole not only would the...