Recent content by Terilien

  1. T

    How Can I Continue Studying Physics on My Own?

    I suggest you suplement the feynman lectures, with something else. As entertaining as they are, they aren't a very suitable introduction to physics(buy them anyway though).
  2. T

    Two Body Problem in GR: Formulation & Solution

    I'm not exactly sure as to how i can do that. Do i simply write the energy momentum tenosrs for perfect fluids, and apply it to both? It is doesn't sound too difficult actually. One way to make the problem much simpler is to assume you're in a frame such that yuo can ssume one of the bodies is...
  3. T

    Two Body Problem in GR: Formulation & Solution

    Not sure exactly what it would look like. We'd have to drop the static assumption obviously. Two body motion is planar so we can drop one of the angles obviously. Now last i checked, the potential for two bodies from the perspective of a one of thebodies depnds solely on its distance from their...
  4. T

    Two Body Problem in GR: Formulation & Solution

    How do we formulate the two body problem in Gr. Also if possible how do we solve it, or approximate said solution?
  5. T

    Proof of Buchdal's Theorem | Show & Send Link

    Can anyone show me a proof of this theorem? Could someone possibly send me a link?
  6. T

    Non linear differential equation

    yes it is. It may be that. It is possible that I've made a small mistake in my calculations of miswrote someon paper. How do we solve that? Can it be done by inspection? non linearity scares me. could someone help me solve it?
  7. T

    Non linear differential equation

    Yes it is. can you helpme? essentially I determined from G_tt and G_rr that b=-a just like with the ordinary metric. When I plugged it into the G_thetathata equation, it was still fairly ugly, and icouldnt find a solution by inspection. Non linears are annoying.
  8. T

    Non linear differential equation

    I can't type in latex so in this post d^2a is the secpnd derivative of a, while (da)^2 is the square of the derivative. This equation arose from the G_thetatheta compinent of the einstein tensor. Iwas solving tfor the shcwarzchildmetric where where the cosmos constant is nonzero. the...
  9. T

    Is it necessary to be precocious?

    Very well said. It unfortunate that high school is full of people like that!
  10. T

    Studying Studying a lot, not getting enough sleep

    I'm just stressed that i haven't graduated from high school yet(15 years old). I've mastered the curriculum, yet no one bothers to give me the exaqms to get out. Anyway I'm highjacking this thread. I also eat very little.
  11. T

    Studying Studying a lot, not getting enough sleep

    Hard to explain, but simply put, I always feel very sick when I wake up.
  12. T

    Is it necessary to be precocious?

    A child prodigy would do calc before he's eleven, quantum theory and general relativity when he's 13. He is however, rather precocious. Maybe I have very high standards when it comes to mathematical prodigies. Alot of youngsters do calc and such when they're fifteen. Again you probably...
  13. T

    Studying Studying a lot, not getting enough sleep

    I HATE sleeping. Its just the most horrible feeling imaginable. I prefer to use a few red bulls when necessary.
  14. T

    Is it necessary to be precocious?

    :rolleyes: No it really isn't. I'm "precocious" but look at where I've ended up:cry: . Better to have a strong work ethic, combined with somewhat high intelligence. Also precocity is not necessarily synonymous with high intellect, just look at me! Oh and you seem fairly precocious to me anyway!
  15. T

    Schwarzchild solution with cosmological constant

    Question, will i need some knowledge of non linear equations, to generalize it?