Recent content by timothychoi

  1. T

    What force causes a balloon to float?

    Oh. I noticed that an airplane floats by "lift". Thanks.
  2. T

    What force causes a balloon to float?

    I see. It is like an airplane.
  3. T

    What force causes a balloon to float?

    When I blow a balloon with CO2, it falls as it is heavier than air. Then it is gravity that causes the balloon to fall. When I buy a balloon filled with helium gas from a store, it floats as it is lighter than air. But what force is causing the balloon to float?
  4. T

    B The Mysterious Shape of Jupiter: Why Gas Planets Stay Spherical

    If Jupiter is made of gas, how can it maintain its spherical shape without being contained in a spherical shaped container?
  5. T

    Induction proof of harmonic triangle formula

    Hello. In the Wiki entry for "Leibniz harmonic triangle" there one can find a formula L(r, c) = 1/(c * binom(r - 1, c - 1)) where L(r, c) is the entry in the harmonic triangle and the binom() is the usual binomial notation (or the entry from Pascal triangle). I tried to prove the...