Recent content by tricha122

  1. T

    A How Can I Identify a Surface as a Cone in CAD Software?

    Hi, I’m using some CAD software trying to automate some surface identification, and I’m looking to find a way to identify whether a surface is a cone. I will have access to vertices and normals at discrete points on the surface, but it will be expected that the number of these points will be...
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    Can someone explain to me gyroscopic stiffening and softening In a whirl frequency plot, it is always the case that forward whirl modes trend upward with rotor speed, and backward whirl modes trend downward. This is due to the gyroscopic effect. At zero speed these modes coincide / are the same. But at high speed, if there’s...
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    Can someone explain to me gyroscopic stiffening and softening

    hi, I’m trying to understand why in a rotor bearing system that the critical speeds of the rotor are higher for forward whirl, and lower for backward whirl. My general understanding is that forward and backward whirl frequencies diverge due to gyroscopic effects, and for forward whirl the...
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    Natural frequency in stationary and rotating frames....

    The driving forces are transformed as a result of the equations of motion being transformed. The reference below [Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamic by Ishida & Yamamoto] shows the equations of motion - they are the same as mine with the exception that i added damping terms to the inertial frame...
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    Natural frequency in stationary and rotating frames....

    Hi, I am trying to gain insight into using stationary vs. rotating coordinate frames for natural frequency calculations. I have seen many FE codes suggest that critical frequencies can be calculated differently in rotating and inertial frames, so i wanted to do a 1D calc to see for myself how...
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    Rotordynamics: unbalance loads due to displacement - FEA

    Hi, Im wondering if / how commercial FEA codes take into account additional unbalance forces due to the off-axis displacement of masses. For instance, if I am modeling a jeffcott rotor with an unbalance, I would traditionally represent this unbalance with a force that increases with speed^2...
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    Pressure wave vs. Shock wave in solid body

    Hi everyone, I'm having some difficulty comprehending "normal" transmission of stress/strain through a solid body and "shock" transmission of stress/strain. Imagine I have two bodies, one rigid - the other elastic. If the rigid body is fixed in space, and the elastic body is flying at the...
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    Generating randomly oriented non-intersecting cylinders in a unit cell

    It is the same if you iterate the centroid and maintain the orientation (which I would say is similar to generating a full set of cylinders and relocating them) - but easier for me to process in my head. It still doesn't address the endpoint issue.
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    Generating randomly oriented non-intersecting cylinders in a unit cell

    Yes I guess you can say that, keeping in mind ill be generating hundreds of cylinders one at a time and ensuring the new cylinder doesn't intersect with any existing cylinders
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    Generating randomly oriented non-intersecting cylinders in a unit cell

    This is a theoretical study, and I will be biasing the orientation of the fibers using statistical functions, however the Crux of the problem I have is the condition for rejecting intersecting fibers. If I treat them as line segments, I can reject fibers that come within twice the radius of each...
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    Generating randomly oriented non-intersecting cylinders in a unit cell

    Hi all, Im trying to think of a way of generating non-intersecting randomly oriented cylinders within a unit cell volume for micromechanical analysis. Several research papers suggest a monte-carlo approach was used by displacing cylinders by vectors until the "condition was satisfied" -...
  12. T

    Modeling T-Stub as Beam (having difficulty)

    I have since updated my analysis by assuming the deflection at the bolt is equivalent to the bolt reaction divided by the bolt stiffness, kb. I have attached all of my equations. I am getting Rb = 43 and Rc = 13 , (with applied load of T = 30) in my beam analysis. Modeling the beam in...
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    Modeling T-Stub as Beam (having difficulty)

    Hi all, I am trying to find the slope of a T-stub joint at the bolt in order to find the bending stress of the bolt. I have drawn 1/2 of the T-stub as a beam. The beam analysis requires (for physicality) that the slope at each side of the beam to be zero. There is an applied load, a bolt...
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    Should Stress Tensor Transformations Use RH to LH Systems for Material Symmetry?

    Hi all, I have been reading up about continuum mechanics recently, and have a question regarding the reduction in stiffness coefficients in the stiffness matrix. I am aware of how the stiffness matrix is reduced to 21 coefficients. However, in order to reduce it from 21 to 13, one has to...
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    Continuum Mechanics textbook with solutions at back / available

    I am taking a micromechanics course, which lists knowledge of continuum mechanics as a prerequisite