Recent content by varunKanpur

  1. V

    Acceleration And Velocity Problem

    I am having a problem in understanding the equation of motions. The equation of motion are v=u+at S=ut +1/2at^2 Velocity= distance/ time=d/t The problem is that if u=0 then V=at. Equation.1 S=1/2at^2 V=S/t=1/2at not equal to equation 1 What am I doing...
  2. V

    Solving Acceleration Problem: Find a3 Differently

    I am thinking of finding a3 through another way in this solved question I am thinking of considering m2 and m1 as one mass but answer in not matching. I couldn't find what I am doing wrong. Thanx in advance .
  3. V

    Solving Two Parabola Problems: Proving & Finding Values

    I got the #1 problem, I was making it more lengthy.
  4. V

    Solving Two Parabola Problems: Proving & Finding Values

    I am not able to solve the following problem #1) Prove that the normal to parabola y2=4ax at (am2,-2am) intersects the parabola again at an angle tan-1(m/2) What I am thinking is to solve the equation of parabola and equation of normal y=mx-am-3-2am simultaneously and at that point I will...
  5. V

    How Does Switching Polarity Affect Capacitor Energy and Heat Dissipation?

    Thank for the quick reply. When I will connect Co to point 2 then a fraction of current will flow through to the left C and rest through Co. The work done by the battery = To the heat generated. When the switch is closed the polarity of capacitor changes. Before Switching, Charge is -Q|...
  6. V

    How Does Switching Polarity Affect Capacitor Energy and Heat Dissipation?

    I am not able to solve this problem I am thinking that Co would be charging in reverse polarity switch is shifted to 2 position, so change in energy of capacitor will be released as heat energy, i.e twice the energy of stored capacitor.
  7. V

    What Is the Velocity of an Inclined Plane as a Block Slides Down?

    Hello Friends, I am not able to solve a problem of my textbook A block of mass m slides on a inclined plane of mass M, then What is the velocity of inclined plane when mass m reaches the ground ? ("All surfaces are friction less and the height of inline plane is H and the angle of inclination...