Recent content by vision99

  1. vision99

    Magnetic waves/fields that precede cold weather fronts....

    The quality of the electromagnetism is probably important. Otherwise we'll have sloppy generalizations that aren't workable. Experiments have to be done that limit the variables.
  2. vision99

    Engineering What are the recent advances in electrical engineering?

    What is new, in the field of electrical engineering? Thanks, doug
  3. vision99

    What is the Impact of String Theory on Other Scientific Fields?

    Thank you! It's good to be here. Is there a section for theoretical physics? ie string theory, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, etc.
  4. vision99

    What is the Impact of String Theory on Other Scientific Fields?

    Hi. I'd like to learn more about physics, and especially about how the newest discoveries are affecting other sciences, such as chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, etc... -doug