Recent content by Winner

  1. W

    The central difference method Help

    Hi guys. Ok I'm working on this problem, it's more theoretical than anything. I'll try to explain as best I can. Let's say you have a runner going past the following points up till and past 30 m: Distance (x) of x1=0, x2=4, x3=9, x4=20, and x5=30m the times to these intervals are 0...
  2. W

    What is the Formula for Calculating Power and Accounting for Friction?

    I see. So V=d/t, then use that as a final V in a=Vf-Vi/t, a=.4 m/s^2 on a non frictional surface. Sorry, I just didn't get the formulas Xiankai was using. I see! so if I had a coefficient of friction then I all I would do is go (40kg x 0.4 m/s^2) - u (mu) x F normal (m x g)...
  3. W

    What is the Formula for Calculating Power and Accounting for Friction?

    So how does one do it in terms of the equation?
  4. W

    What is the Formula for Calculating Power and Accounting for Friction?

    Ok, So, let's say I was to drag a 40kg load in a set distance of 10 meter. I record the time, it was 5 secs. Now I find power, P=work/t. We know work=force x distance. SO my question is, is force just mass of load x acceleration due to gravity? 9.81m/s^2. So P= ((40kg x 9.81) * 10...
  5. W

    Solving the Twist: Athlete's Angular Momentum and Stopping Movements

    Wait, got an idea...What about if he rotates his leg in the opposite direction of his hand rotation? Ok..I'm going to go bang my head on the table now lol. This is nuts.
  6. W

    Solving the Twist: Athlete's Angular Momentum and Stopping Movements

    See, now I'm really confused...Ok, it says describe two ways which we can stop his twisting while still in the air. So what Lightgrav suggested was 1)lift his right hand out of page and drop left one--wouldn't this cause him to start twisting the other way? 2)aren't his feet always beneath...
  7. W

    Solving the Twist: Athlete's Angular Momentum and Stopping Movements

    So are you saying that if my guy spreads himself out, he'll eventually stop twisting because of his large Inertia which gives a small angular velocity as in H(ang momentum)=Iw? So can I say he can spread his hands out and spread his legs out as two different movements OR are they the same, ie...
  8. W

    Solving the Twist: Athlete's Angular Momentum and Stopping Movements

    So, in my diagram I outlined the directions, did I do these right? I don't think he can "stop" his movement of falling down, but he can stop twisting. As I've noted, he might be able to life his right hand OR drop his left but are those considered different? By doing that he balances out his...
  9. W

    Solving the Twist: Athlete's Angular Momentum and Stopping Movements

    Hey:smile: , The question: The athlete on the diagram (linked) is free in the air and has a total angular momentum as indiated by the red vector. 1)Indicate with a vector the direction of his twist based on his orientation and angular momentum, show how you got this. 2)Describe 2...
  10. W

    Edit Title Threads: How to Fix & Troubleshoot

    Title threads... How come I can't edit my title threads anymore. I used to be able to do it. :confused:
  11. W

    Vertical Jump Test and physics Check My Work

    Anybody? it's due tomorrow, really need some advice. Thanks.
  12. W

    Vertical Jump Test and physics Check My Work

    The other case... Calculate the average force required to absorb the energy of your landing if you take 0.25 meters to stop. F=m(v2-v1)/t =68(0-3.05m/s)/t =68(3.05m/s)/0.082 =2529N? t=d/v t=0.25/3.05 t=0.082
  13. W

    Vertical Jump Test and physics Check My Work

    Ok, I think I got it? on the question where it asks: Calculate the average force required to absorb the energy of your landing if you take 0.25 meters to stop. Could it really be this simple? I know my energy for the jump is 323.5J. And to apply such a force to stop at 0.25m, I'd...
  14. W

    Finding the center of mass with a modified reaction board method

    You're lots of help! I wonder...I posted this maybe you could give me some input. Much appreciated :).
  15. W

    Finding the center of mass with a modified reaction board method

    Ahhh, my sticky point was the distance from my backpack to my toes. Thought I had to calculate that :smile: :smile: . Ok, I think I got this. Thanks for the help.