Recent content by WmCElliott

  1. W

    I determining if the quality's of this mole are cancerous

    It doesn't sound like something you should attempt to treat without a dermatologist's aid. Go see one. If it turns out to be a Melanoma, don't panic, as there is recent research supporting the ability of Curcumin (the yellow part of mustard and curry powder) to induce apoptosis in Melanoma...
  2. W

    The Big Bang Theory: Was There No Space?

    Another theory of mine is that our universe is the interior of a black hole in a 10D space (as in the 10D universe of String Theory). Our "Inflationary Period" is precisely what one would expect to see inside a collapsing black hole - caused by the in-falling matter going faster than the speed...
  3. W

    The Big Bang Theory: Was There No Space?

    Something occurred to me yesterday. Matter and Anti-matter (according to Feynman) are the same, except that anti-matter is "time-reversed". If that's true, and there is a t=0 moment at the "origin" of the universe, perhaps the matter created went forward in time and the anti-matter went...
  4. W

    Fixing the Gulf oil spill problem

    I'm gratified that their next funnel will be heated, I suppose electric heaters solve the insulation of the warm surface water for a mile through cold water. BP does have a website dedicated to ideas for fixing the problem, and it seems to connect you to Red Adair's company directly.
  5. W

    Fixing the Gulf oil spill problem

    If you do a Google search on "BP Spill" you can find a website where you can e-mail them with ideas. The link appears to be to Red Adair's company. Red Adair's company is the best in the business, they were the ones who were called into put out all the oil fires that Saddam Hussein lit during...
  6. W

    Fixing the Gulf oil spill problem

    The "Top Kill" method they tried earlier today was precisely what you described, and it resulted (so far) in opening up more leaks from the one well (as I'd have guessed). Their best bet is to make a *bigger* funnel (now needed to be bigger to cover all the new leaks) and include a heat...
  7. W

    Could this be an explanation why there is more matter than antimatter?

    The OP's original idea isn't as wacky as the rest here have treated it. Here's one thought - At the Big Bang, matter and antimatter were produced in equal quantities, but since antimatter's "arrow of time" points the other way, it went backwards in time and there exists a mirror universe made...
  8. W

    Fixing the Gulf oil spill problem

    It seems to me that BP's first idea of putting a big funnel over the top of the leak was a good start, they just didn't expect so much methane hydrate slush to clog the funnel. What they need to do is to build a simple heat exchanger inside the funnel and pump warm Gulf water through it to...
  9. W

    Our universe is a Black Hole in a 10D universe

    Just food for thought - What if our universe is a black hole in a 10D universe? We know there was an Inflationary Period - Isn't this what a collapsing black hole would look like from the inside? We've already unified the three strongest fundamental forces, but gravity is the weakest and...