Recent content by wysard

  1. W

    Why do magnetic fields always go from south to north or whichever it was?

    Mym768, I'm confused. If you used real photons for energy exchange (as opposed to virtual ones) then if you put two rare Earth magnets close to each other with a strain gauge attached to each on you could measure the strength of their attraction. Then place a large area piece of bristol board...
  2. W

    Temperature: Absolute infinity

    Nice link montoyas. What you have to ask Mephisto is "what is the highest velocity given these constriants" It's the "given these constraints" bit that usually tie people up. If you constrain the construct to traveling at less than or equal to light speed, then perhaps. But ask yourself...
  3. W

    Calculating Missile Descent Angle for Target Intercept

    OK. You have a couple of issues to deal with here... 1) A missile almost never fires directly at it's objective. For some reason passing understanding the people that design missiles want the launcher to stay intact so, the missile launches in the direction the laucher points, preferably...
  4. W

    Making Magnets: Attracting & Repulsing - Questions Answered

    Magnets are made by exposing material, either powdered under pressure as in a manufactured sintered magnet, or as a predisposed object such as a nail or other ferrous material to a force which aligns their internal structure to impose and retain a magnetic field. The simplest way is by taking...
  5. W

    Wind Turbines for 2m/s Wind Velocity

    1) Depends. How much power are you developing? What are your maintenance requirements in terms of down time and frequency? Is the wind steady or intermittent? Cost of construction?? Desired efficiency. Location, location, location. Way to many factors for a simple answer. 2) V=IR. To...
  6. W

    The Curious Behavior of Spinning Tops There's that pesky right hand rule again...
  7. W

    Question about the physics behind a guitar string

    The only one I can think of off the top of my head is the Sitar, but there must be many more. Anyone?
  8. W

    Mousetrap Racer: Maximizing Speed & Minimizing Friction

    A Mousetrap racer is essentially a single throw engine. Major variables are torque, wheel friction, bearing resistance, length of throw, impulse time and vechicle mass. If you want high acceleration you need a strong spring or a short throw with low bearing resistance and high traction...
  9. W

    Lift forces acting upon an aircraft

    Ouch! I suspect that is Russ's way of pointing out that a wing is "bouyant" in air the way a wing shaped brick is "bouyant" in water.
  10. W

    Why farther objects appears smaller?

    Sorry Russ. You are absolutely right. Put the cart before the horse I did. I was considering less reflected photons, and angle subtended by sources, not the general solution. (sign on laser exhibit: Do not peer into barrel of laser with remaining eye.)
  11. W

    I've just finished reading Einstein's Biography by Walter Isaacson.

    And Steven Hawking said "Not only does God play dice, he throws them where you can't see them." As I recall my father's lectures the question boiled down to what makes science science. In Einstenin's view all things proceeded from precepts proven to be true or false, no matter how small...
  12. W

    Why farther objects appears smaller?

    Pithy. Did I mention that you are one of my hero's Doc? OP. Smaller angles mean less photons. It's the reason that looking at the night sky and seeing a million suns far off doesn't instantly blind and incinerate you as seeing the same million suns as close say as ours... To make...
  13. W

    Is teleportation just advanced cloning?

    Then you are conflicted. If the "YOU" that is the collection then "YOU" teleported, not a collection, the actual you. Because the parts are broken down to the sub atomic parts to teleport. The only way the "YOU" is different from "YOU" is if at some level you believe the collection of atoms...
  14. W

    Is teleportation just advanced cloning?

    Just had another thought. Imagine an OOB. You have an Out Of Body experience and while you are off doing whatever someone moves your physical body from one bed to another. Do you come back to the your starting point and "die" because your body moved? While not scientific by any stretch...
  15. W

    Is teleportation just advanced cloning?

    The question is a philisophical one, and not a scientific one. Answer me this, O Seeker. If you are greater than the sum of your parts (your soul if you will) then, if a machine measures every single particle, and its moment etc. and in the doing destroys the original to re-create it at...