New Forum for Speculative Discussions?

  • Thread starter stevendaryl
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In summary, the charter for the forum "Beyond the Standard Model" prohibits posts discussing personal theories or speculations not in peer-reviewed journals. While some may desire a forum for speculative and half-formed ideas, previous attempts have resulted in the forum becoming a magnet for crackpots and a waste of resources. It is advised to read the FAQ before posting on the forum.
  • #1
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The charter for the forum "Beyond the Standard Model" specifically disallows posts in which people discuss their own pet theories, or speculations that are not in peer-reviewed journals. That's probably a good policy, both because it keeps down the "noise", and also because it helps readers to keep straight what is serious physics, and not just someone shooting his mouth off.

However, I actually think it would be fun to have a new forum where it was okay to talk about ideas that are very speculative, and only half-formed. The name of the forum could be something that makes it clear that nothing in it should be taken too seriously.
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  • #2
stevendaryl said:
However, I actually think it would be fun to have a new forum where it was okay to talk about ideas that are very speculative, and only half-formed. The name of the forum could be something that makes it clear that nothing in it should be taken too seriously.
Been there, done that. We used to have a forum called "Theory Development" for speculative discussions, and even an "Independent Research" forum where folks could present their independent research. We found them to be havens for crackpots looking for a soapbox and a huge waste of our resources.
  • #3
We tried this before. It didn't work out. The posts in the forum were completely rubbish (as expected), and furthermore, the crackpots didn't stay themselves to the "speculative" forum but rather began spreading out to other sections of the forum.

You have to realize that once a rather large physics site starts allowing speculative discussions, then this immediately becomes a magnet for crackpots.

This excellent blog by ZapperZ is a good read on the issue as well:
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  • #4
stevendaryl said:
The charter for the forum "Beyond the Standard Model" specifically disallows posts in which people discuss their own pet theories, or speculations that are not in peer-reviewed journals. That's probably a good policy, both because it keeps down the "noise", and also because it helps readers to keep straight what is serious physics, and not just someone shooting his mouth off.

However, I actually think it would be fun to have a new forum where it was okay to talk about ideas that are very speculative, and only half-formed. The name of the forum could be something that makes it clear that nothing in it should be taken too seriously.
It has been tried a couple of times, the last effort being a form on Independent Research. The overwhelming majority of ideas were ill-conceived to pure nonsense. It required too much effort. Many, if not most, submitters failed to comply with the guidelines, and most threads were rejected and/or deleted.

And as micromass indicated, we successfully developed a crackpot magnet. :smile: :biggrin:
  • #6
  • #7
stevendaryl said:
However, I actually think it would be fun

We had one for several years and it was anything but fun :)

FAQ: New Forum for Speculative Discussions?

1. What is the purpose of the New Forum for Speculative Discussions?

The purpose of the New Forum for Speculative Discussions is to provide a platform for scientists, researchers, and curious individuals to engage in discussions and exchange ideas about speculative topics in various fields of science. It aims to foster critical thinking and encourage the exploration of new ideas and theories.

2. Who can participate in the New Forum for Speculative Discussions?

The New Forum for Speculative Discussions is open to anyone who is interested in engaging in respectful and evidence-based discussions about speculative topics in science. This includes scientists, researchers, students, and the general public.

3. What type of topics can be discussed in the New Forum for Speculative Discussions?

The New Forum for Speculative Discussions welcomes discussions on a wide range of speculative topics in science, including but not limited to emerging technologies, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and the nature of reality. As long as the discussion is based on scientific principles and evidence, it is welcome in the forum.

4. How can I contribute to the New Forum for Speculative Discussions?

There are several ways to contribute to the New Forum for Speculative Discussions. You can start by actively participating in discussions, sharing your own ideas and theories, and providing constructive feedback to others. You can also suggest new topics for discussion or invite experts in a specific field to join the forum and share their knowledge and insights.

5. Is there any code of conduct for the New Forum for Speculative Discussions?

Yes, there is a code of conduct that all participants must abide by in the New Forum for Speculative Discussions. This includes respecting others' opinions, avoiding personal attacks, and basing arguments on scientific evidence. Any behavior that goes against the code of conduct may result in the removal of the participant from the forum.

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