160,000 Said Dying Yearly from Global Warming

In summary, a group of scientists have estimated that around 160,000 people die every year from side-effects of global warming, and this number could potentially double by 2020. However, there is debate among scientists about the extent of global warming's effects and whether they can be accurately attributed to it. Some argue that climate varies naturally and cannot be solely attributed to global warming, while others believe that political agendas may influence how the effects are reported. Some also argue that there may be positive effects of global warming, such as decreasing cold-related deaths and reducing fossil fuel usage. Ultimately, there is disagreement among experts about the impact of global warming and whether it should be a cause for alarm.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
MOSCOW - About 160,000 people die every year from side-effects of global warming ranging from malaria to malnutrition and the numbers could almost double by 2020, a group of scientists said yesterday.

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I just wonder how these scientists can determine the malaria or other burden from global warming when other scientists insists that it is only detectable from faint or complex evidence?

Climate varies by year, by decade, and by century. Nobody who focusses on the climate can say that this warm spell in southeast asia or that cold snap in europe is due to "natural causes" or to global warming. But people who want to make a political statement are not shy about attributing causes.
  • #3
Ivan Seeking said:
Wow, global warming ONLY has negative effects! And of course I’m sure that the article will once again quote the worst case scenario temperature rise of +5C during the next century.

Just like ALL environmental scare stories, people, including Ivan Seeking, concentrate SOLELY on the negative aspects of ANY effect and IGNORE the positive aspects as if they don’t exist!

For instance, global warming will DECREASE cold related deaths.
Because of the milder winters, fuel bills will be significantly REDUCED. This will have the knock on effect of REDUCING FOSSIL FUEL USAGE with all that entails.
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  • #4
lol, preach it Berty.

People like Ivan are alarmists and they should be ignored. I remember in the 80's that Tony Danson (?) said something like if we do not stop polluting the oceans then they will be uninhabitable in 20 yrs. Well, we have not stopped polluting the oceans and we still have not screwed over the Earth.

FAQ: 160,000 Said Dying Yearly from Global Warming

1. How do scientists determine the number of deaths caused by global warming?

Scientists use various methods, such as statistical analysis and modeling, to estimate the impact of global warming on human health. They also consider factors like changes in temperature, extreme weather events, and the spread of diseases that are linked to global warming.

2. What are the main causes of these deaths?

The main causes of deaths related to global warming are heat-related illnesses, air pollution, natural disasters, and the spread of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. These are all consequences of the changing climate and its impact on the environment and human health.

3. Are certain populations more vulnerable to the effects of global warming?

Yes, certain populations, such as children, elderly individuals, and those living in poverty, are more vulnerable to the effects of global warming. They may have limited access to resources and healthcare, making them more susceptible to heat-related illnesses and other health impacts of global warming.

4. Can we prevent these deaths from occurring?

While it may not be possible to completely prevent all deaths caused by global warming, taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change can help minimize the number of deaths. Implementing sustainable practices, investing in renewable energy sources, and promoting climate resilience can all contribute to preventing these deaths.

5. What can individuals do to help reduce the number of deaths from global warming?

Individuals can take actions such as reducing their carbon footprint, supporting environmentally-friendly policies and initiatives, and educating themselves and others about the impacts of global warming. By making small changes in our daily lives and advocating for larger scale changes, we can all contribute to preventing unnecessary deaths caused by global warming.

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