Solve 1st Order Diff. Eq: y' + y/(x+1) = x^2

  • Thread starter Gwilim
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about solving a 1st order differential equation using integrating factors. The conversation walks through the process of finding the integrating factor and using it to solve the equation. It also touches on the concept of duy/dx and its meaning.
  • #1
Okay I'm sorry. I'm sure this is very easy but I just can't figure it out. The exam is on Monday. If any of you remember me you will probably be shaking you heads in disgust. Again, I'm sorry, but please please I need help.

[tex]y' + y/(x+1) = x^2[/tex]

My first instinct with 1st order DEs is to separate the variables.

But I can't.


Edit: that's "y/(x+1)" not "(y/x)+1". My LaTeX is rusty
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  • #2
Sorry for asking a question? Anyway what do you know about integrating factors? Multiply the differential equation by u(x) first then try to write the LHS as d(uy)/dx.
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  • #3
I've heard of them but I can't get my head round them. I assume the u(x) is (x+1)^(-1).

So the integrating factor is e^ln(x+1)=x+1

Multiplying both sides gives me [tex](x+1)y' + y = (x+1)x^2[/tex]

And that's where I get stuck.

Is there a reasonably short guide to this anywhere?
  • #4
You are pretty close. I am sure you can find a guide somewhere, but I have not much to do currently so I'll try to help you out.

Lets multiply the differential equation by u(x) this yields [itex]u(x)y'(x)+\frac{y(x)u(x)}{x+1}=u(x)x^2[/itex]. We want to write the left hand side as [itex]d(uy)/dx[/itex].

\frac{duy}{dx}=u \frac{dy}{dx}+y\frac{du}{dx}

This must be equal to the LHS so we get.

u \frac{dy}{dx}+y\frac{du}{dx}=u\frac{dy}{dx}+\frac{yu}{x+1}

For this to be true [tex]\frac{du}{dx}=\frac{u}{x+1} \Rightarrow u(x)=c(x+1)[/tex].

We can now write the differential equation as:

\frac{duy}{dx}=x^2 u

You know u can you solve for y now?
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  • #5
Cyosis said:
Sorry for asking a question? Anyway what do you know about integrating factors? Multiply the differential equation by u(x) first then try to write the LHS as d(uy)/dx.

While Cyosis is editing, you could try that last part?
  • #6
Cyosis said:
You are pretty close. I am sure you can find a guide somewhere, but I have not much to do currently so I'll try to help you out.

Lets multiply the differential equation by u(x) this yields [itex]u(x)y'(x)+\frac{y(x)u(x)}{x+1}=u(x)x^2[/itex]. We want to write the left hand side as [itex]d(uy)/dx[/itex].

\frac{duy}{dx}=u \frac{dy}{dx}+y\frac{du}{dx}

This must be equal to the LHS so we get.

u \frac{dy}{dx}+y\frac{du}{dx}=u\frac{dy}{dx}+\frac{yu}{x+1}

For this to be true [tex]\frac{du}{dx}=\frac{u}{x+1} \Rightarrow u(x)=c(x+1)[/tex].

With you so far.

We can now write the differential equation as:

\frac{duy}{dx}=x^2 u

You know u can you solve for y now?

And now you've lost me.

*thinks hard*

Okay given that expression for [tex]\frac{duy}{dx}[/tex] I can substitute in the u(x), split the variables and integrate but I can't see how you arrived there in the first place.

In an ideal world I'd probably like to also know exactly what [tex]duy/dx[/tex] actually means, but just learning how to do these should be enough for now.
  • #7
Ohh... the penny has dropped.

Thankyou so much.

Edit: and I think I figured out what duy/dx means too!
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  • #8
Hehe you're welcome.

FAQ: Solve 1st Order Diff. Eq: y' + y/(x+1) = x^2

1. What is a 1st order differential equation?

A 1st order differential equation is an equation that involves the first derivative of a function. It is typically written in the form y' = f(x,y), where y' represents the derivative of y with respect to x.

2. How do you solve a 1st order differential equation?

To solve a 1st order differential equation, you can use various techniques such as separation of variables, integrating factors, or substitution. In this particular equation, you can use the integrating factor method.

3. What is the integrating factor method?

The integrating factor method is a technique used to solve differential equations of the form y' + p(x)y = q(x). It involves multiplying both sides of the equation by an integrating factor, which is a function that helps to simplify the equation and make it easier to solve.

4. How do you find the integrating factor in this equation?

To find the integrating factor in the equation y' + y/(x+1) = x^2, you can use the formula e^(∫p(x)dx), where p(x) is the coefficient of y. In this case, the integrating factor is e^(∫1/(x+1)dx) = e^ln(x+1) = x+1.

5. What is the general solution to this differential equation?

The general solution to this differential equation is y = (x^3/3 - x^2/2 + C)(x+1), where C is a constant of integration. This can be obtained by multiplying the integrating factor (x+1) to both sides of the equation and then integrating both sides.
