Understanding Metric Tensors in Riemannian Spaces

So the two expressions -g_{ij,k} and g_{jk,i} are actually a shorthand for the following 8 terms:-g_{00,0}, -g_{00,1}, -g_{00,2}, -g_{00,3}-g_{10,0}, -g_{10,1}, -g_{10,2}, -g_{10,3}andg_{01,0}, g_{01,1}, g_{01,2}, g_{01,3}g_{11,0}, g_{11,1}, g_{11,2}, g_{11,3}You can't just assume that some of these are zero, because it depends on the specific form
  • #1
Q1 If given a 2D Riemannian space, ds^2 = dx^2 + x^2dy^2, do the componets of the metric tensor are these:
g_11 = 1, g_12 = 0
g_21 = o, g_22 = x^2 ?

In addition, I got a question from my lecturer:
Q2. 2 metrics, defined in a Riemannian space, are given by ds^2 = g_ijdx^idy^j
and ds'^2 = g'_ij dx^idy^j = e^z g_ijdx^idy^j , respectively, where z is a function of the coordinates x^i.
Find the relation between the Chritoffel symbols corresponding to the 2 two metrics~~~
I have no ideal how to solve it and what is e here? treat it as a function or is it represents the persudo tensor?

Can anyone help me~~

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  • #2
yukcream said:
Q1 If given a 2D Riemannian space, [itex]ds^2 = dx^2 + x^2dy^2[/itex], do the componets of the metric tensor are these:
g_{11} = 1, g_{12} = 0
g_{21} = 0, g_{22} = x^2
Yes, this is correct.

yukcream said:
In addition, I got a question from my lecturer:
Q2. 2 metrics, defined in a Riemannian space, are given by [itex]ds^2 = g_{ij}dx^idy^j[/itex]
and [itex]ds'^2 = g'_{ij} dx^idy^j = e^z g_{ij}dx^idy^j[/itex], respectively, where z is a function of the coordinates [itex]x^i[/itex].
Find the relation between the Chritoffel symbols corresponding to the 2 two metrics~~~
I have no ideal how to solve it and what is e here? treat it as a function or is it represents the persudo tensor?
Can anyone help me~~
I assume you mean: [itex]ds^2 = g_{ij}dx^idx^j[/itex] and [itex]ds'^2 = g'_{ij}dx^idx^j = e^z g_{ij}dx^idx^j[/itex]. (Note that I have replaced references to [itex]y^j[/itex] with references to [itex]x^j[/itex].)

The [itex]e^z[/itex] here is the exponential function. Note that its partial derivatives are (,i is shorthand for [itex]\partial / \partial x^i[/itex]):

[itex]e^z{}_{,i} = z_{,i}e^z[/itex]

The formula for the Christoffel symbol in terms of the metric tensor is:

[itex]\Gamma^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}g^{km}(g_{ik,j} + g_{jk,i} - g_{ij,k})[/itex]

This should be enough to get you started. If you still have trouble, post again.
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  • #3
To jimmysnyder:

Hope I can understand what you mean~~
I work out the steps, am I correct?

[itex]\Gamma^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}g^{km} (-g_{ij,k}+g_{jk,i}+g_{ki,j})[/itex]
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}g'^{km} (-g'_{ij,k}+g'_{jk,i}+g'_{ki,j})[/itex]
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}e^{z(i)}g^{km} (-e^{z(i)}g_{ij,k}+e^{z(i)}g_{jk,i}+e^{z(i)}g_{ki,j}[/itex]
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}e^{z(i)}g^km{}[-e^{z(i)}g_{ij,k}+z(i)_{,i}e^{z(i)}g_{jk,i}+e^{z(i)}g_{jk,i}+e^{z(i)}g_{ki,j}][/itex]
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = e^{2z(i)}[\Gamma^m{}_{ij} + \frac{1}{2}g^{km}z(i)_{,i}g_{jk,i}][/itex]

Thx so much and you are so smart that you can correct my mistake as what i want to write is dx^j not dy^j~

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  • #4
yukcream said:
[itex]\Gamma^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}g^{km} (-g_{ij,k}+g_{jk,i}+g_{ki,j})[/itex]
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}g'^{km} (-g'_{ij,k}+g'_{jk,i}+g'_{ki,j})[/itex]
So far, so good.

yukcream said:
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}e^{z(i)}g^{km} (-e^{z(i)}g_{ij,k}+e^{z(i)}g_{jk,i}+e^{z(i)}g_{ki,j}[/itex]
The exponential factor that goes with [itex]g^{km}[/itex] should be [itex]e^{-z}[/itex], because you want [itex]g'^{np}g'_{pm} = \delta^n{}_m[/itex]. Also in order to make things more clear, I would remove the parameter from z and add parentheses as follows:
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}e^{-z}g^{km} (-(e^{z}g_{ij})_{,k} + (e^{z}g_{jk})_{,i} + (e^{z}g_{ki})_{,j})[/itex]

The next steps are not correct, but if you start from the equation I have given you, I think you can get the rest.
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  • #5
Once more question is :

Given a fame S' which is falling along -z-axis with constant acceleration in an inertial frame S. Find a form of metric in the S' frame, assume in Newtonian approximation of the absolute time (t=t').

I just know a definition that
a = sqrt(g_ij dx^idx^j) but how to get the g_ij??

  • #6
jimmysnyder said:
So far, so good.
The exponential factor that goes with [itex]g^{km}[/itex] should be [itex]e^{-z}[/itex]. Also in order to make things more clear, I would remove the parameter from z and add parentheses as follows:
[itex]\Gamma'^m{}_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}e^{-z}g^{km} (-(e^{z}g_{ij})_{,k} + (e^{z}g_{jk})_{,i} + (e^{z}g_{ki})_{,j})[/itex]
The next steps are not correct, but if you start from the equation I have given you, I think you can get the rest.

I think my answer is correct~~
as z is only a function of coordinate x^i , derative of z wrt x^j & x^k will be zero ~ right? Do I make the mistake there?
  • #7
yukcream said:
I think my answer is correct~~
as z is only a function of coordinate x^i , derative of z wrt x^j & x^k will be zero ~ right? Do I make the mistake there?
Yes, you have made a mistake. In this case, i is an index that takes all 4 values, 0, 1, 2, and 3. In your original post you have written "z is a function of the coordinates x^i". Note coordinates, not coordinate. That means it is a function of all 4 coordinates and partials must be taken with respect to each of them. The letters k and j are just different index letters that also take on the 4 values 0, 1, 2, and 3.
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FAQ: Understanding Metric Tensors in Riemannian Spaces

1. What is a metric tensor?

A metric tensor is a mathematical object used in the study of Riemannian geometry and general relativity. It is a way of quantifying the distance between points in a given space.

2. How is a metric tensor represented?

A metric tensor is typically represented as a matrix with components that depend on the coordinates of the space being studied. It is a symmetric and positive definite matrix, meaning that its components are equal when the order of the indices is switched and its eigenvalues are all positive.

3. What does a metric tensor tell us about a space?

A metric tensor tells us about the curvature and geometry of a space. It defines the inner product between tangent vectors at different points in the space, which allows us to measure distances and angles.

4. How is a metric tensor related to the concept of a metric?

A metric tensor is a mathematical object that defines a metric, or a measure of distance, on a space. The components of the metric tensor describe how to calculate the distance between two points in a given coordinate system.

5. What are some applications of metric tensors?

Metric tensors have various applications in physics and mathematics, such as in general relativity, where they are used to describe the curvature of spacetime. They are also used in differential geometry, where they help define the properties of manifolds. Additionally, metric tensors are used in machine learning and data analysis for dimension reduction and clustering algorithms.

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