Solving the 3-Body Problem: Resources for Learning

  • Thread starter fvicaria
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In summary, the person is looking for exercises and resources to help prepare for a math exam and has found some good options.
  • #1
I am currently studying the 3-body problem and I am struggling to find some examples of exercises or resolved examples.

Can anyone point me to a good book or resource I can download?

I found a few good ones for the two-body problem when I was studying it and they were very useful for me to consolidate the fundamentals.

Thank you very much.
Physics news on
  • #2
Three body problems are difficult because you have three interaction terms..they're comminly not taught and hence few exercises can be found
  • #3
I am more interested in the Restricted Circular Three-Body Problem case. Which is a little easier. I am looking for exercises involving the Jacobi constant, Zero Velocity Curves, Lagrange Points, etc. This is a major part of my course on Solar System Dynamics.

Any help will be much welcome.
  • #4
determine where the stationary points are and find which ones are stable under small perturbations
  • #5
I have done that.
I am interested in general resolved questions to help me prepare for the exam.
  • #6
The closest I've ever come to making actual calculations involving Newtonian Gravity with more than two bodies was proving that there always existed a solution to the N-Body problem. That took three days and a lot of caffeine and I don't think I could do it twice. Something about it being decomposable into an infinite dimensional linear partial differential equation (it had an infinite number of variables). Unfortunately I've lost the proof. I looked at the proof that already existed afterwards and it was similar, but not the same. Somehow, this infinite dimensional linear partial differential equation had solutions, at least in theory, although I never found a general solution and I don't think the differential equation I came up with would be very useful because it didn't show singularities and likely wouldn't unless you inputted an infinite number of coefficients (or perhaps the right coefficient), due to the nature of singularities in linear differential equations.

My recollection is that there has been quite a lot of work done on the three-body problem, particularly by a French mathematician whose name is escaping me now (I really should know his name, because he's quite well known). In general, you'll find more work done by mathematicians than by physicists, excepting, of course, mathematical physicists.

Good luck!
  • #7
An old one is 'A treatise on the analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies:
with an introduction to the problem of three bodies' by E.T. Whittaker.

FAQ: Solving the 3-Body Problem: Resources for Learning

1. What is the 3-body problem?

The 3-body problem is a mathematical problem in which the motion of three bodies, such as planets or stars, is affected by the gravitational forces between them. It is a difficult problem to solve because the interactions between the bodies can be very complex and not easily predictable.

2. Why is solving the 3-body problem important?

Solving the 3-body problem is important because it helps us better understand the dynamics of celestial bodies and their interactions. It has applications in fields such as astronomy, astrophysics, and spacecraft trajectory planning.

3. What are some resources for learning about the 3-body problem?

There are many resources available for learning about the 3-body problem, including textbooks, online courses, and research papers. Some popular resources include "Celestial Mechanics" by J. J. Wisdom and M. S. Hamersley, "Classical Mechanics" by H. Goldstein, and the "3-Body Problem" course on Coursera.

4. What are some strategies for solving the 3-body problem?

There are various strategies for solving the 3-body problem, including numerical methods, analytical approximations, and perturbation techniques. Each approach has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of strategy depends on the specific problem being solved.

5. Is the 3-body problem solved?

No, the 3-body problem is not completely solved. While there are analytical solutions for some special cases, such as the restricted 3-body problem, there is no general analytical solution for the 3-body problem. However, with advancements in computing and numerical methods, we are able to approximate solutions to the problem with high accuracy.

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