A cubic foot is equal 7.48 gallons. How many cubic feet wil

  • Thread starter jim1174
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  • #1

Homework Statement

2. A cubic foot is equal 7.48 gallons. How many cubic feet will the tank describe in question #6 hold?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Tank has a volume of 8000 gallons.

1 feet3 = 7.44 gallons (given)


8000 gallon = 8000gallon x feet3/7.44gallon= 107527feet
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  • #2
jim1174 said:

Homework Statement

2. A cubic foot is equal 7.48 gallons. How many cubic feet will the tank describe in question #6 hold?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Tank has a volume of 8000 gallons.

1 feet3 = 7.44 gallons (given)


8000 gallon = 8000gallon x feet3/7.44gallon= 107527feet
Your answer should be in units of cubic feet, not feet (usually written as cu. ft of ft3). When you write exponents, at the very least use ^ to indicate an exponent.

Your numerical answer is way off. Without getting bogged down too much with numbers, let's say for the purpose of a rough calculation that a gallon is equal to 8 cu. ft. Without using a calculator, how many cubic feet would this be? You should be able to do this in your head.
  • #3
Mark44 said:
Your answer should be in units of cubic feet, not feet (usually written as cu. ft of ft3). When you write exponents, at the very least use ^ to indicate an exponent.

Your numerical answer is way off. Without getting bogged down too much with numbers, let's say for the purpose of a rough calculation that a gallon is equal to 8 cu. ft. Without using a calculator, how many cubic feet would this be? You should be able to do this in your head.
Actually, a gallon is ~1/8 cu. ft.

But, jim1174, do you really think that 8000/7.48 > 100000 ?

  • #4
I must have written that without thinking very hard. Yes, a cubic foot is about 8 gallons, so 1 gal. ##\approx## 1/8 cu. ft.
  • #5
ok i think i got it
  • #6
jim1174 said:
ok i think i got it
It depends. In your first post you have 7.44 gal./cu. ft in one place and 7.48 gal./cu. ft. in another place. Which is it?

You need to be more careful. I've seen several mistakes like this in your work.