Is This Flawed Proof by Induction Misusing the Principle?

In summary, the video lecture on the Principle of Induction discusses a flawed proof that attempts to prove the theorem "All horses are the same colour." The proof uses the principle of induction, but fails because it assumes that n does not equal 2, which is not general enough. Additionally, the proof treats S' and S'' as distinct sets of horses, but indexes them with the same natural number, which is irrelevant to the proof. The inductive hypothesis is that all the horses in S' and S'' are the same colour as each other, and the inductive step aims to show that this implies that all the horses in S are the same colour as each other.
  • #1
At the end of this video lecture on the Principle of Induction, the teacher gives the following example of a flawed proof that misuses the principle.

Theorem. All horses are the same colour.

Proof. (By induction.)

Base case. In a set of one horse {h}, the principle clearly holds.

Inductive step. Suppose S = {h1,...,hn+1}, S' = {h1,...,hn}, S'' = {h2,...,hn+1} are sets of horses. Sets S' and S'' each have one horse fewer than S. h2 is an element of S' and of S''. Therefore all horses in S will have the same colour, in particular the same colour as h2.

End proof.

The explanation offered is that this proof fails because the inductive step assumes that n does not equal 2, and so isn't general enough.

Is there another flaw, namely that the proof treats S' and S'' as distinct sets of horses but has indexed them with the same natural number as each other? To use the principle of induction correctly, wouldn't we need to use distinct labels for distinct objects?

EDIT. Correction: It assumes n + 1 does not equal 2.
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  • #2
No, what is done their is perfectly legitimate. If you have, say, four objects, labeled a, b, c, and d, you are justified into breaking the set {a, b, c, d} into the union of {a, b, c} and {b, c, d} and that is all that is done. The indexing is completely irrelevant to the proof.
  • #3
Is the inductive hypothesis here not only that all the horses in S' are the same colour as each other, but also that all the horses in S'' are the same colour as each other? I'm guessing so, since the sets are indexed just by the number of elements they have. Then what the inductive step has to show is that these statements imply that all the horses in S are the same colour as each other.
  • #4
Rasalhague said:
Is the inductive hypothesis here not only that all the horses in S' are the same colour as each other, but also that all the horses in S'' are the same colour as each other?
Certainly. The proof goes by induction on the number, say n, of horses. First it is shown that for n=1 it holds. Then the inductive hypothesis is that it holds for some n, i.e. that any set of n horses has the same color. This is then applied to the sets S and S'', which are both sets of n horses.
  • #5
Okay, I think I get it now. Thank to you both for your help.

FAQ: Is This Flawed Proof by Induction Misusing the Principle?

1. What is a flawed proof by induction?

A flawed proof by induction is a mathematical argument that attempts to prove a statement for all natural numbers using a specific method called mathematical induction, but contains an error or logical fallacy that makes the argument invalid.

2. How does mathematical induction work?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique used to prove a statement for all natural numbers. It involves two main steps: the base case, where the statement is proven true for the first natural number, and the inductive step, where it is shown that if the statement is true for one natural number, it is also true for the next natural number.

3. What are some common errors in proofs by induction?

Some common errors in proofs by induction include assuming the statement is true for all natural numbers without proving the base case, using circular logic, or making incorrect assumptions in the inductive step.

4. How can I identify a flawed proof by induction?

A flawed proof by induction can be identified by carefully examining each step of the argument and checking for errors or logical fallacies. If the proof does not follow the proper structure of mathematical induction or contains incorrect assumptions, it is likely flawed.

5. What should I do if I find a mistake in a proof by induction?

If you find a mistake in a proof by induction, you should carefully review the proof and try to identify where the error occurred. If you are unable to find the mistake or are unsure if your solution is correct, it is best to seek help from a teacher or mentor who can guide you in the right direction.
