Exploring Functions in Lp Spaces: Finding Solutions to a Transformative Problem

  • Thread starter mmzaj
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the search for a class of functions \phi(t) that satisfy a specific integral equation. The problem can be reformulated in terms of measure spaces and norms, but it is ultimately an analysis problem. The participants also consider a related problem involving exponential equations, but they conclude that it is not equivalent to the original problem.
  • #1

i'm looking for some class of functions [tex]\phi(t) [/tex] that satisfy :

[tex]\int_T \ t^n \phi(t) \, dt = \left( \int_T \ t \phi(t) \, dx \right)^n ; n=0,1,2,3 ...[/tex]

from what i understand - if I'm not mistaken - the problem transforms to finding a set of measure spaces whose measure [tex]\ ds =\phi(t)dt[/tex] , and nth norm of [tex] t [/tex]
[tex]\left\|t\right\|_n = \left( \int \ t^n\ ds \right)^\frac{1}{n} [/tex]

satisfy :

1 - [tex]\int ds =1[/tex]

2 - [tex]\left\|t\right\|_n=\left\|t\right\|_1 ; n=2,3,4 ... [/tex]

obviously this problem is appropriately studied in [tex] L^p [/tex] spaces .
if I'm not mistaken , can you help me please , and if not , would you please advise .
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  • #2
Your two conditions seem to be mere reformulations of the original question.

If there exist such function phi then they do not have a nice structure, for example if phi satisfies your equation than 2 phi does not, similar for the sum of two such phi's.
Why would you think there exists a single such phi?
  • #3
yes indeed , the two conditions are merely a reformulation , but a more formal one . i was hoping to transfer the problem to a field of math were it is more suitable to study . anyway , the problem is also equivalent to solving for [tex] \phi(t)[/tex] in :

[tex]\int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt = \exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt[/tex]

this is an analysis problem , not else ! but it would be nice if you help .
  • #4
mmzaj said:
yes indeed , the two conditions are merely a reformulation , but a more formal one . i was hoping to transfer the problem to a field of math were it is more suitable to study . anyway , the problem is also equivalent to solving for [tex] \phi(t)[/tex] in :

[tex]\int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt = \exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt[/tex]

this is an analysis problem , not else ! but it would be nice if you help .

I can't because I don't know the answer:smile:

My feeling is there should be at least one such a function phi ... but I don't know right now how to prove it or find that function.
Maybe you can introduce some artificial parameter, take some derivatives and transform the problem into a differential equation for phi ..a power series expansion for phi will not work because the integrals will not converge.
  • #5
mmzaj said:
i'm looking for some class of functions [tex]\phi(t) [/tex] that satisfy :

[tex]\int_T \ t^n \phi(t) \, dt = \left( \int_T \ t \phi(t) \, dx \right)^n ; n=0,1,2,3 ...[/tex]

It's not possible, unless you allow the Dirac delta function [itex]\phi(t)=\delta(t-t_0)[/itex].
You can show that [itex]\phi[/itex] would have to be non-negative with integral 1, so it defines a probability distribution, and would have variance 0. So it would have to describe a constant value.
  • #6
mmzaj said:
the problem is also equivalent to solving for [tex] \phi(t)[/tex] in :

[tex]\int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt = \exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt[/tex]

They're not the same - this problem can be solved in lots of ways.
For example, [itex]\phi(t)=\exp(-(t^2+1)/2)/\sqrt{2\pi}[/itex].

I got that example by letting [itex]\phi[/itex] be [itex]\lambda[/itex] times a standard normal density. So the left hand side is [itex]\lambda E(e^T)=\lambda e^{1/2}[/itex] and the rhs is 1, and [itex]\lambda=e^{-1/2}[/itex] gives the solution.
  • #7
[tex]\int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt =\int \sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{t^n}{n!} \phi(t) \,dt[/tex] =[tex]=\sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \int \frac{t^n}{n!}\phi(t) \,dt =\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{1}{n!} \left( \int \ t \phi(t) \, dt \right)^n =\exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt[/tex]

so you see , they are the same !
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  • #8
I think the two problem are not equivalent. From your original equaiton you can deduce the the equation involving exponentials but not the other way round.
  • #9
why !?? if you can go one way , certainly you can go all the way back !
  • #10
Hm think about this example. You know x=2, y=3 from which you can conclude x+y=5, how ever the informstion x+y=5 is not enough to recover x=2,y=3, would you agree?:smile:
  • #11
alright, I'll indulge you there ,

[tex]\int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt=\exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt[/tex]

the LHS =

[tex]\sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \int \frac{t^n}{n!}\phi(t) \,dt [/tex]

the RHS =

[tex]\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{1}{n!} \left( \int \ t \phi(t) \, dt \right)^n[/tex]

now by equating both sides term by term we get :

\int \ t^n \phi(t) \, dt = \left( \int \ t \phi(t) \, dx \right)^n ; n=0,1,2,3 ...

now i have to justify the last step :

consider this :

\sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{a_n}{n!} = \sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{b_n}{n!}[/tex]

implies :

[tex]a_n = b_n \ , n=0,1,2 ...[/tex]

  • #12
mmzaj said:
alright, I'll indulge you there ,
consider this :

\sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{a_n}{n!} = \sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{b_n}{n!}[/tex]

implies :

[tex]a_n = b_n \ , n=0,1,2 ...[/tex]


No, as I showed by my example above.

Another example:

a_1 = 1, a_2 = 4, all other a_n =0
b_1 = 2, b_2 = 2, all other b_n =0

then both sums sum to 3 ...
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  • #13
ok , i'll have to admit it , you got me there ! but at least we can say :



\sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{a_n}{n!} = \sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{b_n}{n!}

then :

a_n = b_n \ , n=0,1,2 ...

is one solution . hence , if :

\int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt=\exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt

then :


\int \ t^n \phi(t) \, dt = \left( \int \ t \phi(t) \, dx \right)^n ; n=0,1,2,3 ...[/tex]

is one possible solution . as far as I'm concerned this is good enough .
  • #14
mmzaj said:
ok , i'll have to admit it , you got me there ! but at least we can say :



\sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{a_n}{n!} = \sum^{\infty}_{n=0} \frac{b_n}{n!}

then :

a_n = b_n \ , n=0,1,2 ...

is one solution . hence , if :

\int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt=\exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt

then :


\int \ t^n \phi(t) \, dt = \left( \int \ t \phi(t) \, dx \right)^n ; n=0,1,2,3 ...[/tex]

is one possible solution . as far as I'm concerned this is good enough .

Yes, it means exactly that you have the implication
\int \ t^n \phi(t) \, dt = \left( \int \ t \phi(t) \, dx \right)^n ; n=0,1,2,3 .. \Rightarrow \int \ e^t \phi(t) \, dt=\exp\int \ t \phi(t) \, dt
The converse is not true, as gel immediately noticed.

This means if you find a solution for the left side of the impplication it will also be a soluton for the right hand side. It can however very well be that is no solution to the left hand side while the right hand side does allow a solution. So the two probleme are clearly not equivalent.

Which of the two do you actually want to solve? In either way, gel gave the answer together with nice explanations, thanks gel:smile:
  • #15
nice ... [tex]\delta(t-t_0)[/tex] clearly satisfies the conditions... i understand the part where [tex]\int\phi(t)\ dt = 1 [/tex] , but where did you get the condition where [tex]\phi(t) \geq 0[/tex] ? ... also i understand the part where [tex] \sigma^2 = 0[/tex] , but is this enough to conclude that [tex]\phi(t) = \delta(t)[/tex] exclusively ?? i mean 0 and [tex]\delta(t) [/tex] are rather trivial ! aren't they ??
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  • #16
mmzaj said:
where did you get the condition where [tex]\phi(t) \geq 0[/tex] ?

If f(t)=tn, you have,
\int f(t) \phi(t)\,dt = f\left(\int t\phi(t),dt\right).
By linearity, this applies to any polynomial. So, replacing f by f2,
\int f(t)^2 \phi(t)\,dt = f\left(\int t\phi(t),dt\right)^2\ge 0.
Approximating any continuous function by polynomials, this extends to any continuous f (*). Assuming [itex]\phi[/itex] is continuous it follows that [itex]\phi\ge 0[/itex] (**)

There's a few issues here though
(*) I'm assuming [itex]\phi[/itex] goes to 0 fast enough at infinity, otherwise there could be problems taking this limit. Assuming exponential decay (or greater) as t->infinity is enough.
(**) if [itex]\phi[/itex] is only assumed to be measurable, and not cts, then it will be >= 0 'almost everywhere', meaning everywhere except on a set of length 0.
(***) the 'trivial' case [itex]\phi=0[/itex] doesn't make much sense because you get 00 on the rhs. If you adopt the convention 00=1, common when writing power series, polynomials etc, then [itex]\phi=0[/itex] is not a solution.
  • #17
thanks a lot , i have to express my admiration in your approach . i'll get to you later with some questions , but for now

mmzaj said:
but is this enough to conclude that [tex]\phi(t) = \delta(t)[/tex] exclusively ?? i mean 0 and [tex]\delta(t) [/tex] are rather trivial ! aren't they ??

as for [tex]\phi(t) =0[/tex] , it's my bad , i didn't pay attention to the case where n=0 !

and of course thanks to you too pere .

FAQ: Exploring Functions in Lp Spaces: Finding Solutions to a Transformative Problem

1. What are Lp spaces?

Lp spaces are a type of mathematical space that is used in functional analysis and measure theory. They are defined as the set of all functions that have a finite p-th power integral. The value of p determines the properties of the space, with p=1 representing the space of absolutely summable functions and p=2 representing the space of square integrable functions.

2. What is a problem in Lp spaces?

A problem in Lp spaces refers to a specific mathematical problem or question that involves functions in these spaces. This could include questions about the convergence of sequences or series of functions, the existence of solutions to differential equations, or the properties of operators on these spaces.

3. How are Lp spaces used in science?

Lp spaces are used in various branches of science, including physics, engineering, and statistics. They provide a way to analyze and model systems that involve functions, such as signals, images, or data sets. Lp spaces are also used in probability theory and statistics to define various distribution functions.

4. What are some challenges in working with Lp spaces?

One of the main challenges in working with Lp spaces is understanding the properties and behavior of functions in these spaces. This can be difficult because the functions in Lp spaces are often abstract and do not have a visual representation. Additionally, the properties of these spaces can be complex and may require advanced mathematical techniques to analyze.

5. How are Lp spaces related to other mathematical concepts?

Lp spaces are closely related to other mathematical concepts such as normed spaces, Banach spaces, and Hilbert spaces. These spaces share similar properties and can be used in similar ways, but Lp spaces have the additional restriction of the p-th power integral. Additionally, Lp spaces are related to other mathematical topics such as Fourier analysis, functional analysis, and harmonic analysis.

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