Proving the Vector Triple Product Identity: A x (B x C) = (A x C)B - (A x B)C

  • Thread starter Karol
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about proving an equation involving cross products and the use of epsilon tensors. The first approach is incorrect because it confuses indices. The second approach is better but still needs to be corrected by renaming indices. The conversation then moves on to discussing the use of the contraction of epsilon tensors, using the formula in the link provided. There is some confusion about the use of indices while applying the formula, but an example is given to clarify it. The conversation ends with the suggestion to apply delta symbols to the components in order to simplify the expression.
  • #1
I have to prove the above equation.
I tried:
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\sum_{jk} \varepsilon_{ijk}A_j\biggl[ \sum_{ij}\varepsilon_{ijk}B_iC_j\biggr]$$
In order to reach the k'th member of (BxC) but i tested it with i=1 and saw that in the member:
$$\biggl[ \sum_{ij}\varepsilon_{ijk}B_iC_j\biggr]=\biggl[ \sum_{1j}B_1C_j\biggr]$$
And it can't be that B1 is inside the sum since it has to receive also other values.
Then i tried:
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\sum_{jk} \varepsilon_{ijk}A_j\biggl[ \sum_{ij}\varepsilon_{ijk}B_iC_j\biggr]_k$$
But it doesn't enable me to open the [] brackets, or does it? i am new to this
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  • #2
The first approach is confusing i and k.
The second approach is better, but you still have to rename indices to remove the brackets (j is used twice).
  • #3
Karol said:
I have to prove the above equation.
I tried:
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\sum_{jk} \varepsilon_{ijk}A_j\biggl[ \sum_{ij}\varepsilon_{ijk}B_iC_j\biggr]$$

You have to be careful about distinguishing between bound (or "dummy") indices and free indices. Your expression is wrong because on the left-hand side is a free index, [itex]i[/itex], but on the right-hand side, there is no free index.

I think that you would be better off just brute-forcing this. Just write out explicitly:

[itex](A \times (B \times C))_1 = A_2 (B \times C)_3 - A_3 (B \times C)_2[/itex]
[itex](B \times C)_2 = B_3 C_1 - B_1 C_3[/itex]
[itex](B \times C)_3 = B_1 C_2 - B_2 C_1[/itex]
  • #5
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\sum_{jk} \varepsilon_{ijk}A_j \sum_{lm}\varepsilon_{klm}B_lC_m=\sum_{jk} \varepsilon_{ijk}A_j \varepsilon_{klm}\sum_{lm}B_lC_m$$
I try i=1:
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\varepsilon_{123}\varepsilon_{312}A_2 B_1 C_2$$
And i stopped substituting since i don't know if i am allowed to change the indices outside the second summation symbol. i now want to substitute l=2 and m=1 but ##\varepsilon_{klm}## is outside of ##\sum_{lm}\varepsilon_{klm}B_lC_m##, its:
  • #6
The second equation is not right. The component 1 is not a single term but a double sum.
By using the contraction of the epsilons you reduce these sums to two terms.
  • #7
nasu said:
The second equation is not right. The component 1 is not a single term but a double sum.
By using the contraction of the epsilons you reduce these sums to two terms.
Yes, i know that it's not a single term, you didn't understand my question. i could complete the other terms:
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\varepsilon_{123}\varepsilon_{312}A_2 B_1 C_2+\varepsilon_{132}\varepsilon_{213}A_3 B_1 C_3+\varepsilon_{123}\varepsilon_{321}A_2 B_2 C_1+\varepsilon_{132}\varepsilon_{231}A_3 B_3 C_1$$
The last 3 members have their l and m indices changed while they can be changed only inside the ##\sum_{lm}##, no? the member ##\varepsilon_{klm}## is outside the sum
  • #8
Why is the epsilon klm outside the l-m sum? That's not right. Put the summation signs all the way to the left, then do what nasu says and collapse the epsilons into deltas using the formula in the link.
  • #9
davidmoore63@y said:
Why is the epsilon klm outside the l-m sum? That's not right. Put the summation signs all the way to the left
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\sum_{jk} \varepsilon_{ijk}A_j \sum_{lm}\varepsilon_{klm}B_lC_m=\sum_{jk}\sum_{lm} \varepsilon_{ijk} \varepsilon_{klm}A_jB_lC_m$$
davidmoore63@y said:
then do what nasu says and collapse the epsilons into deltas using the formula in the link.
In the link it says:
$$\sum_{k} \varepsilon_{ijk} \varepsilon_{klm}=\delta_{il}\delta_{jm}-\delta_{im}\delta_{jl}$$
But, for example, for i=l:
$$\sum_{k} \varepsilon_{ijk}\varepsilon_{imk}=\varepsilon_{ij1} \varepsilon_{im1}+\varepsilon_{ij2} \varepsilon_{im2}+\varepsilon_{ij3} \varepsilon_{im3}=$$
$$=\varepsilon_{321} \varepsilon_{231}+\varepsilon_{132} \varepsilon_{312}+\varepsilon_{213} \varepsilon_{123}=3$$
While the sum:
Can be at most ±1. i don't know to use this formula, how to fill in the indices on the right side, since they take the values 1,2,3. the left side is a summation while the right is?
  • #10
Karol said:
$$\bigl[ A\times ( B\times C) \bigr]_i=\sum_{jk} \varepsilon_{ijk}A_j \sum_{lm}\varepsilon_{klm}B_lC_m=\sum_{jk}\sum_{lm} \varepsilon_{ijk} \varepsilon_{klm}A_jB_lC_m$$

In the link it says:
$$\sum_{k} \varepsilon_{ijk} \varepsilon_{klm}=\delta_{il}\delta_{jm}-\delta_{im}\delta_{jl}$$
But, for example, for i=l:
$$\sum_{k} \varepsilon_{ijk}\varepsilon_{imk}=\varepsilon_{ij1} \varepsilon_{im1}+\varepsilon_{ij2} \varepsilon_{im2}+\varepsilon_{ij3} \varepsilon_{im3}=$$
$$=\varepsilon_{321} \varepsilon_{231}+\varepsilon_{132} \varepsilon_{312}+\varepsilon_{213} \varepsilon_{123}=3$$
While the sum:
Can be at most ±1. i don't know to use this formula, how to fill in the indices on the right side, since they take the values 1,2,3. the left side is a summation while the right is?

Could you please try working out a concrete example? You have:

[itex]\sum_{k} \varepsilon_{ijk}\varepsilon_{imk}=\varepsilon_{ij1} \varepsilon_{im1}+\varepsilon_{ij2} \varepsilon_{im2}+\varepsilon_{ij3} \varepsilon_{im3}[/itex]

A particular example: [itex]i=3, j=2, m=2[/itex]:

[itex]\sum_{k} \varepsilon_{32k}\varepsilon_{32k}=\varepsilon_{321} \varepsilon_{321}+\varepsilon_{322} \varepsilon_{322}+\varepsilon_{323} \varepsilon_{323}[/itex]

That's equal to 1.
  • #11
When you have satisfied yourself that the formula is correct, the next step is to apply the delta symbols to the components in the following fashion (apologies no latex):

Sigma (m=1 to 3) Delta(j,m) A(m) = A(j)

It's worth persevering with this. Once mastered, the index notation is very powerful.

FAQ: Proving the Vector Triple Product Identity: A x (B x C) = (A x C)B - (A x B)C

1. What does the equation A x ( B x C )=(A∙C)B-(A∙B)C mean?

The equation A x ( B x C )=(A∙C)B-(A∙B)C is known as the triple vector product or the BAC-CAB rule. It is a mathematical formula used to calculate the cross product of three vectors. It is often used in physics and engineering to solve problems involving vectors in three-dimensional space.

2. How is the triple vector product calculated?

The triple vector product is calculated by first taking the cross product of B and C, then multiplying that result by A, and finally subtracting the cross product of A and B multiplied by C. This can be represented by the equation A x ( B x C )=(A∙C)B-(A∙B)C. This calculation can also be visualized using the mnemonic "BAC-CAB", where each letter represents a vector.

3. What are the properties of the triple vector product?

The triple vector product has several properties, including the fact that it is associative, distributive, and anti-commutative. This means that changing the order of the vectors or multiplying by a scalar will not change the result of the equation. Additionally, the triple vector product is equal to zero when any two of the three vectors are parallel or when all three vectors are coplanar.

4. What are some real-world applications of the triple vector product?

The triple vector product has many applications, particularly in physics and engineering. It is frequently used in mechanics to calculate the torque or moment of a force, as well as in electromagnetism to determine the magnetic moment of a current-carrying loop. It is also used in computer graphics to calculate the orientation of objects in three-dimensional space.

5. How does the triple vector product relate to other vector operations?

The triple vector product is closely related to other vector operations, such as the dot product and cross product. In fact, it can be derived from these operations using the distributive and anti-commutative properties. The triple vector product is also related to the scalar triple product, which is used to calculate the volume of a parallelepiped formed by three vectors.
