Is The Mind of God .net Legit? Thoughts from Others

  • Thread starter G01
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In summary, a member of the Physics Forums community noticed an ad for a book on the website The member was unsure of the book's content and questioned if it was a "crackpot ad". Another member responded, explaining that Physics Forums mentors and contributing members do not see ads, but rely on other members to report any inappropriate ads. The member then shared that has been banned for some time.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
Before I logged on just now, I saw an ad for a book:

I'm not sure what its really about, but it seems kind of fishy to me?

Is it a crackpot ad? What do the rest of you think?
Physics news on
  • #2
We're riddled with crackpot ads. This was brought up when we first started using the Google adserver a few years back and if I recall, Greg can ask to have certain ads removed, and we had people reporting them for a time, but that seems to have died off, and we have no control over what they place there to begin with. It's controlled by key words on the page.
  • #3
From one of the "reviews"
As a clinical psychologist, I highly recommend that mental health professionals and others interested in expanding their understanding of human behavior and the psyche, read Paul Cochrane's The Mind of God.

I think he was referring the book as a case study in crackpot psychology :smile:
  • #4
This may not be something that everyone realizes. PF mentors, and members who contributed to PF, do not see these ads. We get an ad-free PF. So it is not as if we tolerate them, but rather, we don't know about that. So we depend on other members to notify us, as being done in this thread, about these ads whenever they seem them.

  • #5
ZapperZ said:
This may not be something that everyone realizes. PF mentors, and members who contributed to PF, do not see these ads. We get an ad-free PF. So it is not as if we tolerate them, but rather, we don't know about that. So we depend on other members to notify us, as being done in this thread, about these ads whenever they seem them.


Yeah, most of the time I can't see them. I just happened to notice this one while I was in the process of logging in.
  • #6
I don't see any of them either, but I think that's due to one of the Firefox extensions.
  • #7 has been banned

FAQ: Is The Mind of God .net Legit? Thoughts from Others

1. Is The Mind of God .net a legitimate website?

Yes, The Mind of God .net is a legitimate website. It is run by a team of scientists and researchers who have expertise in various fields such as physics, biology, and psychology. They publish articles and research papers that are peer-reviewed and scientifically sound.

2. How do I know if the information on The Mind of God .net is accurate?

The information on The Mind of God .net is backed by scientific evidence and research. The team behind the website ensures that all information is thoroughly researched and verified before being published. Additionally, they cite their sources and provide references for readers to further explore the topic.

3. Can I trust the opinions and thoughts shared on The Mind of God .net?

The Mind of God .net is a platform for open and critical thinking. The opinions and thoughts shared on the website are from experts in their respective fields, and they are based on scientific evidence and research. However, it is always important to critically evaluate information and form your own opinions.

4. Are the articles on The Mind of God .net biased towards a specific belief or ideology?

No, The Mind of God .net is not biased towards any belief or ideology. The website aims to explore and discuss scientific concepts and theories without any personal or religious bias. The articles are written objectively and encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness.

5. Can I submit my own thoughts and ideas to The Mind of God .net?

Yes, The Mind of God .net welcomes submissions from readers who have interesting thoughts and ideas related to science and the mind. However, all submissions go through a review process by the team to ensure they meet the website's standards of scientific accuracy and objectivity.
